Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.

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Title from The Bee Movie.

"Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!"

Trigger warning: blood, violence, death, lots of cult stuff

(Adam's POV)

Time to summon Ryan.

As the members of the cult gathered around the pentagram, we chanted the words that would summon my brother back from the dead.

Maximus, chili, chicken nugget meal. Maximus, chili, chicken nugget meal.

The summoning circle began to glow an eerie red and fog came out. As we continued the chant, a beam of red light shot from the sky.

Soon, a body appeared in the center of the circle. It was Ryan's.

He wasn't conscious yet, as he was just summoned back to Earth. He also... wasn't wearing any clothing.

He was dressed in a black robe, the cult standard. We also gave him his glasses back.

A few hours later, Ryan woke up again.

"A-Adam... is that you? Didn't I die?"

"The cult brought you back. Now, brother, don't tell a soul, or you'll end up like him."

I pointed to a mangled, half-dead man in the corner. He was our sacrifice for Ryan.

Ryan got up from off the ground, and we decided to talk.

"So.. you lead a cult?"


"Uhh, okay."

"Don't worry, we only meet on thirsty thirsty Thursday, of course."

"But it's Monday."

"Well, we had to bring you back sooner than later, right?"

I let out a small chuckle. Ryan adjusted his glasses and left the corner.

There was only one thing left to do. Bring Ryan back home.

"Okay, Ryan, we're going to get into this van, it's coming in five minutes."

Five minutes later, our van arrived. Gary, the driver, told us to get in.

"Still couldn't scrub 'free candy' off the side. Black paint really stains a white van." said Gary, as he started up the van.

I was in the front with Gary, and Ryan was in the back. All we had to do was not get caught by the police.

(Ryan's POV)

This is the strangest Monday ever.

I was inside a tunnel, I was so close to the light... but something yanked me back. I was... still alive. Because Adam just so happened to be a cult leader.

How convenient. Yet how INconvenient.

As we were heading back to New York City, we were driving on a pretty bumpy road.

I reached for my phone in my pocket, before realizing I was still in cult robes. They were pretty comfortable, actually...

I noticed there were some odd things in this van, like knives and fake skulls... at least I hoped they were fake. This whole cult Adam thing was kinda creepy. 

Adam is supposed to be the normal one...

(An hour later)

"We're here."

I woke up from my short nap. It was 3:30 in the morning, and we had arrived at the apartment building. We ran inside and hurried up the stairs. Luckily, even in the city that never sleeps, we weren't caught.

I entered the apartment only to find Jack lying on the floor, bleeding. It looked like he had a knife wound.

"No, no, no, no, I knew I shouldn't have left Jack alone..."

Had Jack really... killed himself? Adam had told me about what Jack was doing in the bathroom yesterday, almost actually killing himself.

No... the window was open...

What if someone broke in?

My theory was proven to be true, when the killer stabbed Adam in the back.

"Adam, no!"

"Ryan... save Jack... I'll be fine."

I tried to carry Jack, but I tripped on the long robe I was still wearing. I landed on Jack, making him regain consciousness for a second.

Jack gasped for air. "Ryan... are you saving me? Thank... you..."

Jack fell unconscious again, and I was carrying him with the help of Gary. We managed to get him to the hospital, but we had to run back to get Adam.

But by then, it was too late.

Adam lay on the floor, bleeding out everywhere. We could hear his cries of pain, getting quieter and quieter as he was slowly dying... The killer took off their mask, revealed to be none other than...


It was my high-school idol, Joe.

Who had come to kill my brothers.

"Joe, what is wrong with you? You were always mean to me in school... why are you trying to kill us?"

"Oh, it's simple." the man said. "They were distracting you from me."

"Joe, it's not all about you. I know, I can't stop thinking about what you did, but you literally just showed up to kill my family."

"Ryan... we were meant for each other."


Joe simply just laughed.

"Not anymore, Ry."

"What do you mean-"

"Oh, she was another obstacle so... I killed her."

Killed her?

Cat was... dead?

"Now it's just you and me. No brothers, no girlfriend. And we're all alone."

"Joe. After all you did, I'd never let you into my life again. You've already ruined it."

I picked up the knife, and I knew what I had to do.

I stabbed Joe in the neck. The blood came gushing out like a waterfall.

"But... what about... Winter..."

"Too late for that, Joe."

I made sure to step on him while walking away... but then I glanced back at Adam. He was dead because of Joe. Where would the cult go without a leader?

I knew what I had to do.

And I would hate myself for it.

I would lead Adam's cult.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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