Nora arc

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Banay and Saturn made a plan to become Nora.

Nora is some random person, Saturn saw on Roblox before.

Banay was Norasbiggesthater and Saturn was Norasbiggestfan (I think it might be opposite around.)

They were ready to troll.

They went on the best place to troll,


That was the obvious choice.

They went on meepcity and tricked everyone I into thinking they were homophobic and didn't know how to spell lesbian. 

"What's a lesbean?" Trolled banay

"Wth." Said a random dude.

This random lesbian came up "I can show you."

"what, I would never daet womeen ew." Trolled saturn.

Saturn had to go get dinner, banay continued to troll.

Banay trolled for a long time, and eventually gave up

Everyone was shocked because they were convinced that I was actually homophobic 😭

But it was a good time and I had a awesome dance party with them yum

IM THE LEFT ONE👯 (The taller one)

Kel and banay randomly kissed (real not fake had to throw that in)

Fun fact of the episode: banays birthday is October 25th

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