Surprising~ Xandra X Reader

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*Mature content ahead *

G!P Xandra. Daddy kink, praise kink, oral(Xandra and r receiving) Breeding kink, somnophilia, mentions of pregnancy at the end, choking and detailed smut.

Summary-  You and Xandra have been trying for a baby but you weren't that lucky. You both then decided to visit your parents for the weekend and seeing you prance around the house made her aroused. But Xandra was too worked up to wait for any longerso she had you in your parents' house.

Your pov:
You had just arrived at your parents' house, visiting for the weekend. You and your wife walked up the stairs, hand in hand before knocking on the door.
"Ah there you two are, we started questioning whether you two were even coming." Your mom answered as she hugged you before pulling Xandra in for a hug.

You were lead into your childhood home, before chatter erupted into the living room where you were currently standing in.
"Is that my daughter over there?" Your father asked as he put his beer down and hugged you, slightly picking you up from the ground making Xandra laugh.
"And if it isn't her beautiful wife." Your dad put you down before hugging Xandra. David, your older brother came in, before making his way to you.

"You look gross." He said before making a disgusted face at you.
"You smell like poverty with a touch of no bitches." He gasped at your statement before pulling you into a hug and ruffling your hair. The encounter between the two of you made you laugh slightly.
"I have 2 children now, thank you very much." you knew he did yet you still continued your act.
"You're still with Natalia? I feel so bad for her. "

"Yeah you should be sorry for me, I still hate the fact that you didn't warn me about this knucklehead." Natalia, your sister in-law walked in as she slammed a baby bottle on the desk.
"I told you so many times, the baby can't have powdered milk! I swear I'm going to kill you." You were interrupted from the show by a hand appearing on the small of your back.
"I'm going to get our bags." Xandra pecked your lips before making her way outside. Your mother was now yelling at your brother before Natalia dragged you aside.

She greeted you with a side hug, as she held one baby in her arms. You two conversed a little before your eyes scanned the baby in her hands which didn't go unnoticed.
"When are you and Xandra going to have a baby?" You sighed looking away before fidgeting with your fingers.

"I don't know. We've never really talked about it since well you know" You felt tears on the brim of falling but quickly wiped them away. You found out you were pregnant months ago but ended up having a miscarriage. Since then you kept quiet but inside you still wanted to conceive. Natalia gave you a sympathetic smile before handing you the baby.

"You'd make an amazing mother someday. You chuckled slightly, smiling to yourself as you played with the baby, little did you know, Xandra had been eavesdropping on your conversation.

An hour or so, you and your wife were sat at the dinner table, conversing about how life had recently been. Of course your mother questioned when you two would have children (she knew about your miscarriage but pushed you to keep trying) but you shrugged the question slightly feeling down. Natalia decided on changing the topic and you thanked her for it while your wife's hand was on your thigh, squeezing it in a comforting manner. Soon after dinner, you'd offered to help with dishes with Xandra by your side.

"You know, washing dishes is so much easier without acrylic nails." you chuckled at her statement before wiping the last dish.
"True. I miss them though." She smiled at you before raising her brows.
"But we're able to do more things with then aren't we?" She pulled you in by your waist but you smacked her arm away.
"Xandra not here." She rolled her eyes before pecking your lips.
"Get a room." Your brother said before he left. You rolled your eyes before Xandra and you excused yourselves for the night.

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