Work Party~ Billie X Reader

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*Mature content ahead *

Fingering, slight public sex, jealousy, mentions of alcohol, soft sex, thigh riding, oral, praising, pet names

Summary- You were Billie's assistant and she had asked you to accompany her to an event. You agreed to accompany her and later that night she was all over you, continuously flirting with you but you didn't get the hint and she lost all control once she saw someone talking to what was hers.

Your pov:

"Do you need anything else Ms Howard?" You asked the older woman who gave you a small smile.
"No, thank you darling and please I've told you countless times, just call me Billie." You nodded at the woman before exiting her office.

You walked into your small office, placing your coffee on the coaster before sitting down on your chair. You sighed before getting back to the work you were doing. You finished typing out documents before walking to the printer office and printing the documents you had just finished typing. As the last few print finished up, you heard footsteps behind you before your co-worker, Todd, walked in with a sly smirk. You rolled your eyes before turning your attention back to the printer. Todd was this guy you absolutely hated. He never caught  the hint that you weren't interested in men let alone a man like him. He also made very disgusting comments about Billie that made you want to chop his dick off before  feeding it to wolves.

"Hey baby girl." Todd walked up to you, standing close to you. The smell of his perfume, mixed with cigarette was enough to make you nauseated. You ignored the man, only making him chuckle to himself.
"You know, you don't have to play all hard to get. I could show you a good time." His attempt to woo you was horrible. The printer was taking longer than expected and you felt like sinking to the ground as Todd walked closer to you, touching your arm and by instinct you flinched slightly, moving away from him. The prints were finally done and you sighed in relief before picking them up.

"So you know there's a work party on tonight. How about you go with me." He licked his lips before looking at you.
"No thank you, I'm fine on my own." You turned to leave the room before he slapped your ass making you turn around in a furious state.
"You know I always notice the way you stare at me, don't pretend you don't want it." You were sick to the stomach as he kept smirking at you.

Fortunately for you Billie walked in. She had heard the conversation exchanged between you two and as the woman walked in, the furious look on your face proved that she'd assumed correctly.
" Y/n, do you mind helping me with something." She asked in a sweet tone and you exhaled before nodding your head. You walked out, passing her by the door before going to her office.

Billie was left with Todd and gave him a frightening look.
"I expect you to get back to work and stop hitting on the girl. She's not interested in you." The man nodded his head in fear before grabbing his cup of coffee and walking away.

You were now standing in her office, placing the copies on top of her desk. You waited patiently and within a minute the blonde arrived, walking in an elegant manner to her desk. She sat down before clearing her throat. You were about to ask what she needed help with but the woman beat you to it.
"Is Todd bothering you?" You closed your lips, thinking for a bit before shaking your head.
"No not really."
"Y/n, you don't have to lie for him, if he is I can fire him any second." You offered her a smile before shaking your head once again.
"It's okay Ms Howard-"
"Like I've said, just call me Billie, doll."
You smiled nervously before flattening the non existent wrinkles on your shirt.

"So I have been meaning to ask you something." Her red acrylics were gently tapping in her desk, coming to a halt once she noticed you staring at them.
"Oh um okay. What is it."
"I was wondering if you were willing to accompany me to the work party today." You froze in your seat. Inside you were screaming like a teenage girl who'd just gotten Justin Bieber tickets. On the outside however, you were neutral, which made Billie regret asking you. You noticed the change in facial expressions before jumping in.

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