His Mother ~ Ally X Reader

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*Mature content ahead*
Age gap (reader is 18 Ally is 39), fingering, oral, strap on, dirty talk. I don't know what else to put.

Summary- You had a huge crush on your best friend, Ozz's mom. You'd been crushing on her for 3 years but she was happily married. Or so you thought.

Your pov
"So are you coming to my house for dinner later on?" Ozz asked you while you were both packing your bags, getting ready to leave the last class of the week. It was Friday afternoon and you and Ozz had a very long week.

"Um sure, lemme just ask my mom." You grabbed your phone from your bag and called your mom, asking if you could have dinner with Ozz. She said yes and told you to call her once you were finished.

"Okay looks like I'm going home with you."
"Alright cool, Ivy is picking me up today so she'll be here in a few minutes." You cringed at the mention of Ivy. You disliked her so much. You know what, dislike was a kind way of putting the fact that you hated her. Not just because you had a crush on her wife but you suspected something off with her. But who were you to meddle in their business.

It wasn't any of your business but you just wish you had a chance with Ozz's other mom, Ally. It's wrong to think about that but not everything in life is right.

"Here she is. Dude come on let's go." Ozz snapped his fingers in your face which made you slap them away. You both walked to the car, and you gave Ivy the best fake smile you could put on as you got in the car. The woman asked how the both of you were and you gave her a nonchalant answer before Ozz spoke about his day. Within a few minutes of driving silently in the car, you made it to their house.

"Al? We're here." Ivy called out to her wife. There was no response so you took it that Ally wasn't home.
"That's weird. Normally she'd be here by now." Ivy walked further into the house while you and Ozz went to his bedroom.

"So..." Ozz started talking and you rolled your eyes at him.
"I don't like where this is going Ozz."
You said to him while you made yourself comfortable on his bean bag chair.
"I heard that Maddison likes you." you exhaled loudly before rolling your eyes at him.
"For the last time, I don't like her that way."
"Oh come on who could you be interested in that's better than her?" You were silent for a moment, while he looked at you suspiciously.
"Is there something you're not telling me? You met someone haven't you?"

"I did. But I can't say who."
"Why not? I'm your best friend, best friends are supposed to tell each other stuff like this." you offered him a smile while crossing your arms.
"Let's just say if you knew who it was, it wouldn't end well."
"Who is-" The door opened to reveal Ivy standing there with a suitcase in her hand.

"Ozz, your mom is gonna be here in a few minutes but I have to get going on that business trip, you remember yeah?"
"Hmmhmm yeah." He nodded his head. You on the other hand were giving her a side eye, noticing that her wedding ring was now missing from her ring finger.
"Whore." you thought to yourself as the woman offered both of you a smile before heading out to her car.

You and Ozz were now watching a movie before a gentle knock was heard on his door.
"Hi honey, I'm sorry I'm late, traffic was a bit crazy today." The brunette said before her eyes landed on you. "Oh y/n, sweetheart I didn't know you were gonna be here." She offered you a sweet smile which made butterflies errupt in your stomach.

"I invited her to stay, if that's okay with you mom."
"Huh, are you going to be sleeping over?"
"Could she, if that's okay with you."
"Of course it is, I love having you over, just ask your mom and it's okay with me. I'll get dinner started in the meantime." With that, she walked out if the room before closing your door.

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