Episode 4

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Family problems

Nehmat was both disappointed and surprised to see Nikhil standing at her doorstep. He seemed to be sober and worried about something. Nikhil, "Bhabs, it's something very serious, can we talk inside?" Although Nehmat very badly wanted to express her emotions to Advait and waited impatiently for his arrival, she invites Nikhil in and asks him to have a seat. As both take a seat, Nehmat slowly takes the speech and asks Nikhil, "What is the matter Nikhil?" Nikhil takes a deep long breath and says, "Bhabs I want to divorce Naaz". Nehmat was taken aback as she hadn't expected it coming from Nikhil. She asks Nikhil, "What are you saying Nikhil? Don't you love her?" Nikhil, "I did Bhabs infact I loved her with all my heart and soul but now...." Nikhil stops himself. Nehmat asks, "But now what Nikhil?" Nikhil closes his eyes, gathers courage and says, "Now I love someone else, Bhabs!" Nehmat was dumbstruck at those words.


The initial days of Nikhil and Naaz's marriage were filled with blossoms of love. But as time passed by, Naaz started getting insecure with the importance given to Nehmat in the Kapoor family as she was Advait's wife. She desired that Nikhil too became like Advait and for that she kept pestering him. Finally, Nikhil being madly in love with Naaz decides to fulfill all of Naaz's desires by giving up his own dreams and desires. He works hard on the family business and tries his best to take it forward in the best way possible. However, Naaz was never satisfied with any of Nikhil's efforts and constantly taunted him for not becoming like his brother and being a loser in life. The differences between Nikhil and Naaz often led to quarrels between them. After one such quarrel, Nikhil exhaustibly reaches his office where his secretary informs him that he has to interview a new employee of the company. He asks his secretary to let the employee in. After his secretary leaves, Nikhil remembers all that happened between him and Naaz that morning. Flashback of Nikhil and Naaz's quarrel, Nikhil exclaims "I left behind my dream of becoming a fashion designer all for you!" While Naaz shouts back, "It's good that you didn't become a fashion designer because if you had become one then you would have stayed a loser all throughout your life." Flashback of Nikhil and Naaz's quarrel ends. Nikhil's eyes fill with tears as he remembered Naaz's words. Unbeknownst to the noise of the door opening behind him, he asked himself, "Is it really unworthy to become a fashion designer?" A female voice from behind, "No it is not infact you should become one if your heart asks you to!" Nikhil was surprised with the female voice behind and turned back to look who it is. Flashback ends

Nikhil continues to Nehmat, "After all those days of differences and quarrels with Naaz, for the first time I felt that someone understood me and my emotions, someone was there for me. Soon her words made a huge impact in my life. I learnt to be myself, respect myself and forget about the worries of my life. I was content with whatever I had. However...." Nikhil stops himself. Nehmat who had now become anxious with Nikhil's past asks him, "However what Nikhil, don't you still love Naaz?" Nikhil "I always thought that Naaz was my life bhabs but her disrespect for me, my emotions and my dreams made me drift away from her and I don't know when...." Flashback shows how Nikhil found comfort in the presence of the new employee. He gradually gets attached to her. One day he gets furious on seeing her with one of his male employee. He imagines going and hitting the male employee but is shaken off from his flashback by Nehmat. She asks him, "Then what happened Nikhil?" Nikhil turns towards Nehmat and continues, "Bhabs, I don't know when and how it happened. The feelings which I had for Naaz got completely erased and I fell in love with that woman who respected me and my emotions!" Nehmat who had now become worried for her sister's marital life nervously asks Nikhil, "Who is she?" Nikhil looks on.

Advait reaches the door of his bedroom and is about to enter when he gets a phone call. When he picks it up the person on the other side asks him to meet them immediately. Advait was surprised and tries to excuse himself saying he has other important work to do. However, the person persuades him and informs him that the matter is urgent. Finally Advait gives in and decides to meet the person. As Advait turns to leave, he looks back at his door and tells, "I will surely come back and talk to you Nehmat." He leaves. After some time, Advait reaches a park. He goes near a person and tells them, "Didn't I tell you that our relationship is completely over? Whatever I had with you is all done. I faked being in love with you only on my dad's insistence." Gradually, the person's face is shown. It was Mallika.

Advait and Nehmat's bedroom

Nehmat "Nikhil I'm asking you something. Who is that woman who came between you and Naaz?" Nikhil, "Your best friend Mallika, Bhabs!" Nehmat eyes widen in shock.

Narrator: Advait and Nehmat were both unaware of the other's feelings for them. Little did they know that their involvement in the problems of their family members is going to create havoc in their lives!


To be continued.

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