Episode 6

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A second chance

Advait was flabbergasted to hear Nehmat's words that it was better to end a loveless marriage than to stay in it. He got reminded that their own marriage had been a loveless one all along. He got saddened thinking, "Does Nehmat mean to say that we too should end our relationship? But what was that which happened (intimate night of Nehvait) between us the previous night?" Advait comes out of his thoughts when Nehmat asks him, "Advait are you understanding what I am saying?" Advait nervously asks, "What did you mean?" Nehmat, "I meant to say when there is no love in a marriage then the relationship will only choke the individuals staying in it." Advait gets reminded of his initial days of his marriage. How he always felt displeased in the presence of Nehmat and wanted to divorce her at any cost. Nehmat continues, "Nikhil truly loved Naaz but it was Naaz's disregard for his love that lead Nikhil to find love outside his marriage." Advait remembers how he disregarded Nehmat's concern and efforts to give their marriage a chance and tried to find comfort in the arms of another woman Veronica. He curses himself, "Why? Why? Why did I do that? Was it because I had started growing feelings for Nehmat right then that her love for Ekam made me so jealous and lead me to find comfort in another woman?" He then tries to justify himself, "But I have mended my ways now!! Infact it was Nehmat who changed me. Now I respect her and love her with all my heart. So don't I deserve another chance?" Advait asks Nehmat, "Does that mean Naaz doesn't deserve another chance to save her marriage?" Nehmat gets thinking, "Now it depends on both Nikhil and Naaz Advait! If there still exists some amount of mutual love between them then their relationship deserves a second chance but if there is no MUTUAL LOVE then there's no meaning in holding onto to that relationship." Advait was perplexed with Nehmat's words. He excuses himself and goes out of the room lost in thoughts. Nehmat looked at him confusedly from behind.

Nikhil and Naaz's bedroom

Naaz asks Nikhil, "What, what did you say?" Nikhil, "You heard it right Naaz, I love someone else!!!" Naaz was taken aback. She shouts back, "How could you do this me Nikhil? You loved me right?" Nikhil asks, "How could I do it? You should ask yourself what made me fall in love with someone else!! Ever since our marriage all you desired to have were more riches, more honor, more this, more that...and for that you disregarded me, my dreams and my love. In fact, I realized that you never married me for the person who I am while you married me for the wealth and reputation which was associated to me because of my family and after marriage you pestered me to become like Advait Veere when my dreams were something else. It was you yourself who distanced me from you." Naaz, "Who is that woman who gave you what I couldn't give you?" Nikhil was silenced at that question. He looked down in embarrassment. Naaz shouted again, "Speak up!! When you had the courage to fall in love outside marriage, why do you fear revealing a name?" Nikhil gently says, "Mallika". Naaz was shocked. She couldn't believe that Mallika could take her place in her husband's heart. Naaz then recalled how she had tricked Mallika to leave the wedding venue on her wedding day and break ties with both Nehmat and Advait. She gets thinking, "Is Mallika seeing revenge from me because of all that I had done to her? No I can't let her win." She tells Nikhil, "Do you think you will be ever able to unite with her? Never! I will never let it happen." Nikhil, "Do whatever you want! I'm not scared of you because whatever you do, I know Nehmat bhabs will surely help me out." He swiftly leaves from the room after saying that. Naaz was left astounded, she reflects, "Is Nehmat a part of all this?"

Kapoor House, Living room

Nikhil reaches there annoyed with Naaz's words and actions, when he is met by his elder brother who staggered till the living room confused in thoughts. Nikhil asks, "Veere, you here? This late in the night?" Advait asks him, "I should ask you that? Why are you out of your room so late in the night when you should be trying to mend things with Naaz?" Nikhil was surprised with that, "Veere how did you know that things are not well between me and Naaz?" Advait, "Arre ho khotiya, I'm your elder brother, I come to know all that is happening in your life before you do. Now tell me what is your problem in mending things with Naaz, wasn't she your choice and wasn't it you who was too stubborn to marry her? So what happened now?" Nikhil looks down disappointedly. Advait, "I'm asking you something Nikhil?" Nikhil, "Veere, it's too late to mend our relationship." Advait, "But why?" Nikhil, "Because there's no love between us and when there is no love there is no point in holding onto a relationship because it will only suffocate those who are bound in it." Advait was dumfounded at those words without being able to argue anymore. Nikhil slowly excused himself and went to the kitchen to drink water. After Nikhil left, Advait continues to ponder, "Does Nehmat loves me or not? If she does not then does that mean that our relationship stands no hopes for a SECOND CHANCE? Does that mean I will lose Nehmat forever?"


To be continued.

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