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"C'mon let's get you home sweetness," The boy spoke. "Who are you?" I asked as he pulled back from me and helped me to my feet. "Damian Black," He said plainly. My breath caught in my throat.

Damian Black. Damian freakin Black! He's the son of the Nightshade Ice packs Alpha! Magna Magicae always warns us about them. They are the most powerful pack in North Carolina! Not to mention the most feared!

I tensed and I'm pretty sure he noticed. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Umm I should go," I said hastily. I attempted to stand on my own but failed. My knees buckled and I was heading for the ground. Before I could face plant into the dirt Damian's arms encircled my waist and held me up.

"I'll take you home your in no condition to walk. Where do you live?" His voice was gentle but I heard the command loud and clear. "C-Caves," I stuttered and looked up at him with fear. He could kill me, I mean I'm a witch. Our kind doesn't exactly get along. "Your a witch?" He asked calmly. I shut my eyes tight and gave a quick nod. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt you. C'mon let's get you home." I opened my eyes and saw him beaming at me.

Cautiously I answered "Okay but drop me off at the edge, Magna Magicae would freak if she saw you." He nodded in understanding and when he realized I wouldn't be able to walk he lifted me into his muscular arms.
When we came to the edge of the covens territory I said a small 'thank you' to Damian and slowly made my way to the front square. I'm part of the Dark Rose Coven. We are well known but definitely not the most powerful, no the most powerful witch coven is The Daughters of the Night Coven.

They practice dark magic like we do. I hate the magic we do. Its all about blood and death and I don't feel good about it. I don't belong in this camp. Technically I am the lowest of the low. In a werewolf pack I'd be the Omega, ya that's how low I am.

Our coven has three main training houses. Apprentice, Novice, and Elitist these are the ranks from weakest to most powerful and each rank has there own training house. Of course I'm in the Apprentice house when training time comes around even though I should be in the Elitist house since I became of age last year and I'm experienced. We also have many other houses for the royal family lines.

There are six royal lines. The Lux line, descended from the 1600 Magna Magicae, Ilona. She specialized in Fire or heat magic. I also heard rumors of her practicing light magic.

Then there's The Juno line, The Zelda line, The Zara line, The Petra line, and most powerful, The Ember Line. Our current Magna Magicae is descended from The Ember Line as is Chloe her daughter and my main bully.

A bonfire stood in the middle of the three circling houses. On the outside of the training houses stood the six family houses and a seventh for common witches not descended from royalty. I walked into the main square, which is where people talk and socialize.

"Look who's here!" A girl yells.

"Oh it's fat fawn!Or is it Dawn?!" Another chimes in.

"Go back to the forest fatty no one cares for you here!"

"You don't belong!"

"If you never came back no one would notice!"

A tear slipped down my cheek as they hurt my pride. They tore and tore at my soul until there was nothing left. The Wizards (male witches) in our Coven ran up to me and started to push me to the ground. People circled around and yelled hate words. Some kicked me when I toppled down on the floor.

My vision darkened but I saw a glimpse of the sun and held onto that light. It filled my heart and my body and I felt my strength increase. My body shook with my newfound power and my vision cleared. "ENOUGH!" I shouted loudly and the authority in my voice shocked my bullies enough that they hesitated.

"Who says we have to listen to you?!" A girl who I recognized as Justine said from the crowd. Her eyebrows were raised and her arms were crossed over her chest. My eyes were set ablaze with fury. I never did anything to Justine and she bullied me along with the others.

"I say so, I am sooo freakin tired of being pushed around by you! You have no right to torture me. I never did anything to any of you ever and now you guys are kicking me hitting me. What do you idiots want?! I'm already dead, my soul's been ripped out of me by the years of tormenting and harassment! I act invisible I don't talk to you or stand up to you. I'm a shell of what I used to be yet you still keep this sick act up. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Everyone stared at me with shock. Mouths closed and opened again trying to find words to say. "You know what? Fuck it," Everyone gasped. I never cursed, never so this was a big shock. I pushed past people making sure to elbow a few. Everyone just stood their looking at me with shock.

I made my way to my house, the Lux house. I felt the burn of my tormentors glares on the back of my head but I didn't care. My mind was too overwhelmed with feelings. Hurt, anger, and relief stood out the most. On my way to my house my fury and adrenaline faded and I felt like the normal Dawn. Fragile and vulnerable.

I didn't want to face my family. My once happy family torn apart by my little sister Kara's death. She was raped and killed by The Nightshade Ice Pack years ago. They sent her body back in pieces. With a note that said 'To end your grief'. Her body was practically unrecognizable. Except for the eyes they showed the same hurt as when she was alive. That same hurt that filled my eyes now.

After that incident The Lux Line totally shut off any happiness, only darkness remained. Laila my older sister, Archer my brother, Danica my mother, and Peter my father. All of them had flaws but non had perfections. They treat me like dirt, but I'm used to it now.

When I walked into the front door my 'lovely' sister sat on the couch in the living room. "Ugh your home," She snorted and walked to the kitchen to get god knows what. "Archy sissies home! Go!" Before I knew what had happened a water ballon flew at me and hit me strait in the face. Except the ballon wasn't filled with water it was filled with paint.

I silently wiped the paint off my eyes and looked down I was covered in purple paint. My nightgown will most likely be stained for life.

"That's what you get Fat Dawn!" My sister chanted.

My brother laughed at my pained expression and I thought of the meanest thing to say to both of them something that would wipe the smile off their faces. "Now I finally understand why Kara's eyes were filled with such hurt when her body came back, its because she had you as siblings." My voice was dead serious and my brother and sister looked shocked. I mean I never fought back.

But today was a new day. The first day in ten years where Archer hadnt drained me the night before. "You are such a bi-" I stopped her by holding up a finger. "No, I don't want to hear another word." My eyes were shut and power coursed through my veins. "You can't tell us what to-"SHUT.UP!" My voice boomed through the house making the thin walls shake.

I turned to the stairs but looked back to say one last thing "Don't ever speak, you'll just embarrass yourself." And with that I walked away leaving more of my tormentors utterly speechless. And boy did it feel thrilling.
This is different than many werewolf books as you can tell.
Hope you like it!

Love you guys!😜
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