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        “Come on,go get a broom.I'll go make a call or two in the meantime.Hurry up,I would appreciate coming back to a house instead of a dumpster.”

She left me to my racing heart.She's the closest person to me  but hell yeah she's also the one I'm most afraid of.You need to see her in action.I wondered how many people she had called and what she had discussed with them.

         She only came into the house right after I had bath and made for her a big bowl of pap.She loved pap so much she could survive on it.But still,why had she taken so long to on a call or two?The house was such a mess that I'm sure it took nothing less than 3 hours to clean it up.You ever get butterflies?I have that now.Definitely not a good feeling.

       “How does it feel to breathe such clean air?”She asked patting me.

        “It's different.It's fresh.It ease the tension in me.”I replied flashing her a warm smile that she was kind enough to return.

        “Great!Now to why I'm here...”

        “Sorry for cutting you off Ami,..."It felt so good calling her Ami again.For some reason, adulthood took the name from my tongue.“...can we just quickly have breakfast?My stomach's churning.”More like my heart needs more time to prepare for whatever it is she wanted to say.Lucky me,she agreed.

         We ate in partial silence.My grandma was the type to throw in a jab here and there.And I laughed at them all.What?It was funny.Hah!Reminds me of that interview where Zendaya was mimicking Tom Holland's accent.‘Funny,wunny?’She mimicked.He claims he said ‘funny, wasn't it?’Their videos lighten me anytime I'm getting too dark.Back to real.Not like that wasn't real but yeah.

       By now I was sitting on the couch, facing her.“Your brother has been trying to reach you.Why are you ignoring him?”

        “He’s a busy man.Should just sit tight and worry about his work.
        “You are also his sister.Only one.It's his right to be worried.”

       “I appreciate it.I'm  thankful to him, really.But I don't need someone else stirring up questions I'll probably never have answers to.”

       “What's the problem?I'm here for you.”She hugged me to her chest.I was shocked by how tears started to fall from my eyes.She let me cry then cooed me.Letting me know it was going to be alright.I sniffled wiping the mucus that had dropped on my lips.

       “It's just that I feel useless.I feel like a failure.I feel worthless.”Ami gave me a puzzled look but shifted it to understanding.Nodding that I should go on.“These are just what I think I'm feeling.I can't really explain how I truly feel.Maybe dejected or that I've grown to hate myself.What's the use of graduating early and with a first class if I'm just going to be a good for nothing.If I'm just going to sit still looking so depressed and pitiful.Like what's the use of having life.”

OUT Of THE BLUE: Grandma's Unexpected Visit.Where stories live. Discover now