Chapter 1

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Hello, I love Korea so its only natural to write a book about it. I first came up with the idea when I was casually listening to some K pop music and thought HEY ill write a book, after writing two chapters of the book I decided it wasn't enough becuase I wasn't the only one that loved korea so I invited a couple of really close friends to join me into writing this book SO my fellow readers ENJOY AND PLZ COMMENT AND VOTE!

Thanks Ray_Chan  (>^.^)>O   Heres a cookie!

Rachel's P.O.V

“Good afternoon passengers it is approximately 3:30pm in Seoul, please take your seats as we will now be landing. Thank you for flying with Malaysia airlines.”

We’re moving to Korea! Yes, Korea, I honestly don’t know what got into my Mum but I couldn’t protest. She even went out of her way and looked up the best restaurants to eat at and even enrolled me in the Lila Art High School. Apparently quite a few of Korea’s celebrities attended Lila.

My names Rachel I’m seventeen years of age and about 5 foot 8 with brown hair. I’m not much into talking details but if you must know I have blue eyes and freckles, not a lot just a few spots on my nose.

“Aren’t you excited Rachel? In less than 10 minutes we’ll be living in Korea!” My Mum jumps up excitedly waving her hands in the air. The stewardess asked her to take her seat. So embarrassing! Passengers glanced our way and some even laughed in amusement!

“Mum honestly, keep it down… you’re so embarrassing.” I scold her.

“Aw come on hun where’s that travelling spirit you used to have.”

“Traveling spirit.” I repeat “Why don’t we go back to Australia and find it, I’m sure we’ll be much better off living there than Korea!” I yell. Mum places her hand over my mouth cutting me off.

“I know you miss your friends sweet heart and I know now that you have left, your dance contract with them is broken but I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to move here and especially because you did take a 6 year course on their language.” Dance contract I bet your wondering what that has to do with this, well let me put it this way.

I was apart of a free style dance group called Silver Beats, in fact I wasn’t apart of it I was their leader. We had 7 members including me; it started as a dream when Tina (dance group member) and I decided to form a group. Cassidy, Caitlin and Leejaye straight away agreed and I was even able to convince a couple of my cousins to join.

I’m not going to lie but we we’re pretty horrible at the start, man who am I kidding we sucked, but we practiced and practice makes perfect. Soon enough the school decided to sponsor us they said with talent like ours we could win the school money to supply us with more equipment for our drama, dance and music clubs.

In total we won $3000 and eventually agreed to audition for Australia’s got talent but guess what, that was a week before my mum decided to move to Korea.

Our contract was broken and we separated. I told the team to not give up, to go on without me but they said no we started as a group of 7 and we will stay as a group of 7. I was ecstatic that they didn’t want to continue without me but I also felt guilty that it was my fault we we’re being broken apart.

“I had a life back there mum and now,” I pause “ all you’ve done is taken it away!”  I shout, I turn my face looking out the window and hear my mum sigh.

“I’m sorry hun.” She whispers. Well good for you! I think to myself.

The planes engines roar to life as we edge our way closer to land and just before the wheels of the plane hit the ground I closed my eyes “Goodbye Silver Beats.” I whisper. Two loud bangs echoed through the plane as we steadied to a halt in front of Seoul’s huge Airport.

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