Young Morticia - Hints

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Request by Maybeluna567


Welcome to the diary of Elain May. 

We are a week away from the infamous Poe Cup. My hall, Ophelia Hall to be exact, had chosen to base our boat's design off of 'A Tell Tale Heart.' It had brilliant blue eyes painted all over with a vulture statue at the helm. I designed all of the traps and weapons of course, I mean who else would, Morticia? No way, she's always to busy making googly eyes at Gomez. 

Which isn't at all fair. I mean, I'M the one who leads the nightshades. Gomez is just a side character to MY story. And yet, she teases HIM, and makes fun of HIM, hint to HIM that she's in love with HIM. She also seems to believe that I would want to steal him from her. Watching me like a hawk, and following me around. Not that I mind, I enjoy the attention. Even if it is platonic.

Morticia P.O.V

We are one hour away from the Poe Race. Elain was making some last minute advances to our boat. She has no business being that smart AND that cute. Her short hair hanging on one side. Eyes scrunched in concentration, I could barely keep my eyes off her. I was so focused on her that I didn't notice Gomez walking towards us. Ugh. Why can't he just take the hint to go away. I don't seem to be to terrific at this whole flirting thing. My hints seem to be doing the exact opposite. Bring Gomez closer and pushing Elain away. 


It was time for the Poe Race. I had dressed eye-catchingly dreary for a certain someone. But only managed to attract Addams. Jeez, this flirting thing is harder than I thought. Ok. I'm going to just confess after this.

Elain P.O.V

The headmasterfired the pistol and we were off. I had soaked my outfit in blood for this, we'd better not lose. Morticia was at the front instructing the others to row. However, she kept glancing over at me, could she...? No, not possible. She's straight. 

We made it to the shore, far ahead of the other teams thanks to Ticia. Her and I hopped out and raced towards Crackstones Crypt. She yanked our flag out of the ground and stood watch. I grabbed the other flags and unfolded my wings, flying up to the tops of different trees, hiding the flags in their branches.  I landed next to behind Ticia, "Done." I tried to run past her back to the boats, but I didn't make it 3 steps before she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Wait." "What ever it is hurry, cause I don't wanna lose." She took a deep breath and barely above a whisper she said, "Look, I like you. I have ever since you introduced me to the nightshades. I've been trying to give Gomez a hint but I'm really bad at being subtle." Deep breath again. "So here I go, will you be my girlfriend." I stared at her, eyes wide. I wanted to sqeal but I had to keep up my flirtatious reputation. "Look princess, you are the only lez I want to bian." I said with a smirk.

Her dark eyes lit up with excitement as she leaned in for a kiss. But my eyes were on the prize. "Later princess, we have a trophy to win." She nodded, glowing pink from embarrassment. There was no time to dwell on that though because the other teams were showing up. We raced back and won the game. I spotted Gomez sneaking closer to congratulate Ticia, but I wasn't letting him take her attention any more. 

I grabbed Ticia by the neck and slammed my lips onto her's. She was shocked at first, but seconds later wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. I peaked open an eye to see Gomez standing behind her like an idiot. I couldn't help but smirk as I flipped a beautiful bird behind MY girl. His shock turned into a glare. And thus I got the girl to love me, and the obnoxious rich boy to hate me.

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