Five Girls and the Lonely Bunny

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Crashing into your ears was the erratic sound of the school hallways. People were chattering and talking nonstop, laughing about stuff you couldn't quite understand, and even though they talked and talked, it always seemed to quiet down when you stepped through the halls. Back in America you were offered several times to be a child model, and several times you refused. For some reason the universe just seemed to want to show you off, when you didn't want to even leave your house.

Even though you were fairly attractive compared to the average person, no one tried to befriend you, not a word of greetings or an attempt to even say something, everyone simply stared.

It was obvious you were a foreigner due to your eye shape and lack of pale white skin. You thought that must've been the reason no one approached you as the cities of Korea tend to have its fair share of racism.

Not that you cared.

You stopped at your locker to grab your biology text book when something caught your eye, you glanced over to see a group of girls, five to be exact.

They weren't yelling and laughing, they were calmly talking to each other with pure smiles on their faces. One of them reached for their locked and opened it. In the past two months you'd never seen anyone at those lockers so you guess at least she was new. Then the other four opened the lockers next to hers. This caused your eyes to widen as you stared. One of them looked up and made eye contact, only causing you to look to your text book with a calm demeanor even though you were flustered.

You shook off the curiosity and closed the locker, heading to your classroom as you passed the group. Taking one last glance, you met eyes with the girl again. She was really pretty and now that you got another look, she looked foreign as well.

You kept walking as your eyes looked straight ahead. All you wanted to do was get this class over with and go home to relax.

But you couldn't help but think about her. Her features were so. . .ethereal.

You chuckled to yourself as you walked into your class.

I'm going crazy, right?


"Hey, did you girls see that boy?" One of the girls asked her friends.

"No? Why?" One friend questioned.

The girl stood quietly as she stared in the direction he had disappeared to.

"He was so. . .captivating," she explained.

"We don't have time to worry about that right now, let's get to class," another friend grumbled.

They all nodded as they followed each other to their class.


Biology started and you paid no attention to your surroundings, only focusing on your book and teacher.

The blindness of your surroundings was due to the few times you did look around you'd catch someone or several people staring.

Not wanting to garner too much attention, you simply stopped looking around.

But then, you heard footsteps get closer before you saw the outline of a figure in front of you.

You glanced up to see a girl. Making eye contact, you didn't say anything, waiting for her to speak first.

"We saw you alone and wanted to know if you wanted to join us on the project," she explained with a hearty smile as she turned to look back at her friends.

And there was the girl from earlier.

You instantly knew you wanted to but hesitated as you thought about it.

You're to Die for (NewJeans x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now