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Tapping away at your desk with your index finger, you could feel the guy sitting next to you take glances. It felt weird, your brain was throwing a shit tone of 'no' signs at you but your chest felt weird.

Not only could you feel the glances from Cole but you definitely could feel the burning gaze of your two potential girlfriends.

Feeling uncomfortable from the unexplainable awkward tension, you simply did your best to focus on the lesson before the bell rang and you practically hopped out of your seat and dashed out the room.

Upon entering the hallway, it felt like the first breath you could take freely. The tension of the room practically falling off your shoulders as you just hiked to your next class without thinking.

'This isn't gonna end well' you thought to yourself as your head spun circles around the whole situation.

After reaching your next class, you looked out to see Hanni sitting in her assigned spot.

Making eye contact with her, she shot you a smile. All you could do was fake one back while drowning in guilt.

'Just get through the school day' you constantly reminded yourself. 'That's all I have to do'.

And so you went about your day.

-Danielle and Minji's POV-

Fuming from the depths of their hearts, Danielle and Minji shot straight for a boy. But that boy wasn't you.

Catching up to the taller, dark-skinned guy, Danielle grabbed his shoulder with a little aggression.

"Hey, you mind explaining what you did to the boy in that class?" Danielle lowly growled in English.

Turning around to face the short figure, he looked down with confusion and annoyance.

"What do you mean?" He snapped back.

"Y/n, why did you say what you said, why were you looking at him so much?" Danielle's interrogation continued.

"Cuz he's cute? What? Are you his girlfriend?" He hummed with a rude tone. "If so I think you might be losing him, his eyes told me everything."

"Stay the fuck away from him," Minji voiced with distaste.

Cole spared Minji a displeased look.

"And what do you have to do with him?" He snarled.

"I like him, I want him," she explained without a wavering note.

Cole scoffed.

"So he's dating neither of you," he stated. "So it's free game, if he wants me, he'll want me, if not, then not. Don't trap him into something, all you can do is spit your game and hope for the best."

Danielle took in what he had said, specifically the idea of trapping you, but Minji was having none of it.

"I know him, he's not gay nor bi, he won't want you," Minji's tone was getting aggressive.

"I guess we'll see, I have to find my next class, I'ma bounce," he shook his head while walking away and threw up a peace sign.

After losing sight of him, Minji stomped her foot lightly.

"Outta kill him," she spat, before turning and storming off to her next class.

Danielle simply stood where her feet were planted, soaking in the situation.

Shaking her head as well, she turned and made her way to Geometry.

-Your POV-

It was rearing the end of the day and your anxiety for walking into Biology grew with each passing second.

You knew you were in for a talk, Minji and Danielle had to have told the others.

But it was a little late to think of what you would explain to them as you entered the very familiar room.

This room was a little special to you.

"Y/n, get your butt over here," Hanni's voice caused you to freeze.

There was no point in resisting, so you lowered your head and walked over to your normal table with the girls.

"That's what I thought, always so obedient, am I right girls?" She joked around with the others.

Then she turned back to you and snatched your wrist.

Gazing at the bracelet she had given to you that laid on your wrist, she smiled.

"Wanted to make sure my territory was still marked," she huffed with a smile.

You nodded with a forced smile.

"Hanni get over here, I need your help on this remember?" Hyein complained.

The Vietnamese girl waddled over to the youngest and started blabbing her advice.

Glancing at Minji and Danielle, you noticed they weren't talking to any of the other girls, or talking in general. They were quiet and you could tell something was up.

"I don't know what's up with them," Haerin hummed quietly to you.

"A-Ah," was all you could do to respond.

Danielle and Minji didn't tell the others.

You felt even more guilty, not only did it feel wrong for what had happened earlier, it also felt like you were betraying the girls.

Your eyes lowered as you grew deep in thought, an idea was surfacing, one you weren't quite sure was a good one or not, but the more you thought, the more it felt necessary.

"Hey girls, guess what happened today," you started.

And all eyes were instantly on you.

"So, there's a new guy at the school, he's American and he's in my first hour, when the teacher told him to sit where he wanted he strutted his ass over to me and leaned against my desk and said," you explained before turning your head back before whipping it around with a sarcastic sexy face. "Hey Cutie, mind if I sit here?"

And the table erupted in laughter, even Danielle and Minji let out a light-hearted chuckle.

Overjoyed that you had not only cheered up the two girls you felt you had betrayed the most, you were also happy you could stop any misunderstandings from happening.

Looking back on the situation that occurred earlier that day, you could tell you simply had the ability to appreciate an attractive man. No, you weren't gay or bi, just the surprise of a guy, one you genuinely thought you could initially be friends with, came up to you and shot his shot.

'Weird day' was all you could think, but you knew most definitely that the girl you wanted to be with from now until forever was one of these absolute balls of joy in front of you.

And just like that, the conflict and disruption had been solved.

For now.

(Well, I've kinda thought of a way to not completely just revert my decisions that weren't taken so well, but I do have somewhat of an idea of what can be done to implement Cole into the story but not be a fucking hassle of a character. Life's been very hectic lately so I haven't had the time to even really think about all of this, I'm sorry for the low quality content, I hope it brings some enjoyment or comfort. Please stay safe, eat well, and keep on dreamin>:3)

Till next time Dreamers, never stop, reach for the stars.

You're to Die for (NewJeans x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now