A Deal

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The day after Minji and Danielle told you the truth, you had expected all the girls to ignore you.

Not for all five of them to show up on your doorstep the next day.

"H-Hey," you said awkwardly with a smile.

No response was given inetially as they all just stared at you.

You stepped to the side of the doorway and motioned deeper into the house.

"Come in?" You asked.

To which they complied, each of them stammering into your house and fighting their way up your stairs to your room.

You watched as they scurried away while remaining in the same spot, and once all of them were up stairs and out of sight you couldn't help but chuckle while letting a sly smile reach across your cheeks.

Following them shortly after, you opened your almost shut door and looked out to the group of absolutely stunning girls.

Treading lightly into the room and closing the door behind you, you looked out to them with curious eyes.

"So, what's with the unannounced arrival?" You inquired while jetting your eyes from one girl to the next.

They left their gaze on you for a bit longer then looked amongst themselves before Minji, who you had expected to talk first, opened her lips and let sound carry throughout the room.

"Do you like any of us?" Words escaped with great intensity.

You paused, star struck by not only the question but the way her eyes looked up to you while the light caused them to glisten gently.

Stuck on your own words, it took a moment to push out the safest answer.

"I like all of you," you explained, letting out a small smile.

"No!" Danielle snapped. "Do you like like any of us?"

You gulped at the correction you knew you were going to receive.

Looking nervously between the five of them, they all looked to you with anticipation.

"S-Stop. . ." Was all you could Mutter. "You can't do this to me."

"Yes we can, we-" Hyein started before pausing and letting her gaze fall off to the side. "We want you."

Taken aback, you let the blood rush to your cheeks as you refused to look at them.

"We still want an answer," Hanni murmured.

"And quick." Haerin added with haste.

Not answering, you took note of your growing heartbeat and stagnant breathing, a little anxious to answer the way you truly felt.

Taking a deep breath in, you paused before exhaling strongly.

"Can I be honest?" You questioned.

"Yes!" All of them answered in sync.

You didn't answer immediately because you thought of how to word it, but eventually you thought of an answer you could settle for.

"All of you are cute, nice, funny, and unique in all of your own ways, everyone is their own amazing person and. . ." You went on explaining how you felt. "I feel like it's unfair being forced to pick."

The room filled with silence.

"So you do like all of us," Hanni joked, to which the others kinda chuckled but then looked to you.

"Is that true, would you date any of us?" Danielle asked with possibly the most adorable face.

"Well if you put it like that I sound like a man whore," you chuckled before taking a deep breath and gazing to the floor. "But honestly, yeah, I think I would."

"Then date me!" Haerin shouted for the first time while standing up faster than you thought she ever could. "Date me, please."

The others looked to Haerin before standing up themselves.

Then the next fifteen seconds were full of nothing but 'no date me's.

"Stop!" You demanded. "I think you five are overlooking the most important thing. All of you are soon to be idols, if the public knows or finds out then your reputation is ruined, and I will not shatter any of your dreams, I like all of you too much for that."

There was a paused silence.

They all went to talk before you cut them off.

"And if you say that you don't care you're being selfish and not thinking about your other members," you huffed.

This shut all of them down as they slumped in their each individual spot.

"Fine, let's make a deal," Hanni started. "Whoever can win your heart over by the time we disband, that's who you'll marry."

"Marry? That's going a bit fast don't you think? What if I became like a crazed fan who starts stalking you because you said that?" You babbled.

"Oh shut it, we know you wouldn't do that, you're too logical for that," Minji scoffed.

"So what do you say?" Danielle hummed. "Deal?"

You thought about it for a while, a long while, but you had this weird, deep, instinctual feeling that your forever person was one of these girls.

Raising your gaze, you looked between them.


And that was it, the day you sold your soul away.

But never once did you regret it.

You're to Die for (NewJeans x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now