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Chuuya ran away a week after atsushi was taken he refused to stay and work for a child kidnapper, someone who took HIS kid away the kid he had been attached and drawn to the moment he looked at him. Atsushis purple and yellow eyes were filled with joy because of him atsushi felt happy and comfortable because of him and now that joyful Little cute boy is gone a kid he promised to protect.

Chuuya left the mafia he ran away and went into hiding for 2 years since his criminal record wasn't to bad he didn't need to hide long. Chuuya later found the Armed detective agency it was purely by accident he walked into a coffee shop and was greeted by a older man around Mori's age. "You seem upset little one" he said and sat beside chuuya who looked at him."why do you care old man?" Chuuya replied with a hiss in his voice."I see myself in you alittle" the man replied and gave a soft smile. Chuuya froze and stared at the man."I like your hair..." Chuuya said seeing his sliver hair remind him of atsushi."thank you,can you tell me what's bothering you now?" The man asked chuuya looked away."what's your name first?" Chuuya asked."oh how rude of me my name is fukuzawa". Chuuya looked at him again. My name is chuuya.... chuuya Nakahara." Fukuzawa smiled again even softer. "Mori...he took my kid from me...I want him back... Do you know who mori is..."chuuya asked fukuzawa nodded
" We use to be close..."fukuzawa said."join me and my agency we can help you" fukuzawa offered chuuya looked him in his eyes then looked away."okay" chuuya said.

So chuuya did, the next day

There was a little orange haired boy rather young to be there he reminded chuuya of atsushi too they had to be the same age if not close. The young boy was wrapped in some sorta bomb and a tall greenish haired man was trying to detach it. "N..NO DON'T I..IT MIGHT B..BLOW UP..."The young boy screamed obviously terrified. Chuuya took a deep breath and began to walk to the boy and man."hey there bud" he said softly the green haired man spun around quickly. Chuuya ignored his obvious confused and skeptical look. Chuuya crouched down and and reached to the boy but he screamed in fear. "Shh hey look at me, everything is okay" chuuya said he looked at the timer"5 minutes" he muttered."what's your name?" Chuuya asked looked the boy in the eyes. "Juinchiro.." he said" that's a cute name juinchiro." Chuuya said and smiled softly.chuuya glanced at the green haired man motioning for him to start taking the bomb off. "I..I have a little sister...h..her name is Naomi!" Junichiro said a smile faded onto his face."awww Naomi is such a cute name how old is she?" Chuuya asked looking at the green haired guy to see if he got it off."sh.. she's 8 and my mommy said she's the cutest girl ever" junichiro said smileing super brightly. Suddenly the bomb hit the floor chuuya grabbed junichiro and sat him behind him before grabbing the bomb and throwing it out the window but using his ability kept it air born he balled the bomb up and it exploded witch shocked the green haired boy." That... wasn't ment to be a real bomb". He said chuuya turned to look at him." I figured it wasn't suppose to be, some one strapped a real bomb to the kid I assume it's one of your coworkers." Chuuya said unamused junichiro ran to chuuya and hugged him tightly. "What's your name?" Chuuya asked as he gently scratched junichiro's head." Doppo kunikida". "Well kunikida I'm chuuya Nakahara I assume you already know that" chuuya said."yes I do" kunikida replied fixing his tie and glasses.

"Let's get along then".

3 years later

Chuuya was sitting at his desk his leg rapidly shaking as he read threw a file about a murderer."are you okay chuuya San?" Junichiro asked."I'm wonderful" chuuya said starcasim shown in every word. " Chuuya San please" junichiro said chuuya sighed."I'm just stressed don't worry about it, I'm fine" chuuya said and smiled. Junichiro smiled back and nodded." I'm heading out" chuuya announced standing up." Alright I'm coming with you". Kunikida said standing up chuuya wanted to be alone but knew kunikida wouldn't let him so of course he just nodded and left the room.

After walking to the murder location screams and cry's for help echoed threw the dead streets. Chuuya looked around quickly."It came from there" kunikida said running up the street chuuya followed, they cut into a alley where a dark figure stood holding some poor guy by the neck he frantically thrashed around screaming. "LET HIM GO" Kunikida yelled grabbing his gun and aiming at the figure but chuuya didn't change into a defensive stance he was trying to identify the person that looked so strangely familiar. The figure dropped the guy and shot him twice in the head the body collapse instantly and shook slightly as the nerves began to die. Kunikida eyes widen. "You bastard" he yelled. The figure turned around and chuuya eyes widen."o...osamu" he muttered dazai tilted his head the only person he let call him by his first name was chuuya."chibiii heyyyy how have you beennnn it's been yearsss" dazai said his voice filled with happiess then his face went dark"you left me" he said chuuya's eyes widen he began to laugh hestariclly. "YOU GOT MY CHILD KIDNAPPED!" Chuuya yelled balling his fist up as a red hue surrounded his body kunikida just stood his ground he had no place to say anything. "SO YOU ABANDON ME!" dazai yelled in return."YOUR TRYING TO MAKE ME THE BAD GUY HERE, ITS YOUR FAULT I FUCKING HATE YOU".Chuuya said as things in the area began to float."YOU KNOW I HAD TO TELL MORI"dazai yelled back."NO THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL HIM ANYTHING". Dazai froze he really didn't why did he tell mori this really was his fault. "Osamu...where's atsushi?" Chuuya said trying to calm down


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