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Chuuya froze staring at dazai as his mind began to race.

"Im kiddinggggg" dazai said stepping forward."Don't move!" Kunikida yelled making dazai stop in his tracks."if he isn't dead where is he?" Chuuya said in a low voice."no clue" dazai said raising his hands."DON'T LIE TO ME OSAMU!" Chuuya yelled."look at me chuuya" dazai said in a serious tone. Chuuya looked up at him they made eye contact."I'm not lying I don't know where he is". Dazai said chuuya began to tear up."what do you know?" kunikida asked"the day mori took the kid he put him on a ship and sent him off somewhere." Dazai said putting his hands in his pocket."Where?" Kunikida asked"didn't you hear me I don't know" dazai said back."now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be" dazai said stepping back."shall we meet again my dear chibi" dazai added chuuya glared at him then turned away. Dazai laughed as he turned around and hopped into the building and ran off. "Chuuya-" kunikida started but realized chuuya was gone. "Where the hell did he go?" Kunikida questioned. Chuuya was running full speed to the agency in hopes that this slight information would be enough for ranpo to find atsushi. Chuuya stumbled into the office catching his breath junichiro ran up to him."c..chuuya San are you okay? Where's mr.kunikida?" He asked."I'm fine,where's ranpo?" Chuuya asked looking around but the detective was no where to be seen."he's outta town on a case he wont be back for a few weeks" junichiro explained. Chuuya stared in disbelief. "FUCK!" He yelled frustrated."chuuya-" junichiro started"SHUT THE HELL UP" Chuuya cut him off he pushed away from the younger and left out the office. The others just stood there confused. Alittle later kunikida walked in and was immediately stormed with questions."what's wrong with chuuya?"yosano asked crossing her arms."we ran into one of the mafia rats" kunikida started."IS HE OKAY DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!" Kenji yelled concerned"let me finish kid " kunikida said Kenji nodded."we found out that the kid he had been looking for these past few years was shipped of the day he was kidnapped" kunikida said."where to?" Naomi asked."that's the problem we don't know and the mafioso didn't know either"kunikida added."he could be lying" yosano chimed in kunikida just shrugged" I don't know if he is chuuya seemed to believe him I think they had some sorta relationship before we meet him" kunikida said. "Why would chuuya know a mafia member." Junichiro asked the others shrugged.

Chuuya was at home balled up in bed his mind raced and his breathing was uneven. "F..fuck" he muttered gripping the sheets around his tightly as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He closed his eyes and slowed his breathing thinking of anything that would make him happy.

"Papa"atsushi yelled running down the hall to greet chuuya as he opened the door.chuuya smiled and crouched down hugging atsushi tightly."ach papa not so tight I can't breathhh" atsushi whined chuuya pulled away and smiled as atsushi began to giggle."oh papa I wanna show you something!" Atsushi said excited he turned and ran into the kitchen chuuya followed. "Look look" atsushi said and showed chuuya a drawing of a tiger very detailed and chuuya petting the tiger. Chuuya grabbed the picture out if atsushis hand staring in awe at how pretty it was." It looks amazing you drew this yourself?" Chuuya asked atsushi smiled brightly and nodded."I did I did, papa likes it?" Atsushi said chuuya nodded."I do it's really pretty" chuuya said."keep it" atsushi said and climb into a chair grabbing another peice of paper."I'm gonna draw another and when you put them Together it's gonna make one BIG picture" atsushi said and began to doodle. "But you can't see it till I say so." Atsushi added and shooed chuuya away. Chuuya laughed and ruffled atsushis silver hair before leaving the kitchen.

Chuuya sat up and looked over to his dresser grabbing the picture frame holding that half of the drawing he smiled. "I'll keep looking for you don't worry" he said and fell asleep shortly after.

Chuuya was sipping his coffee on the way to work he was gonna call off but the town constantly being in and out if danger made him change his mind. Chuuya sighed loudly annoyed and made a right at the corner. He then paused passing a alley he had never passed before while going to work."what the hell" he muttered and turned around to head back but the sound of crying caught his attention. He looked into the dark alley not wanting to go because crazy shit always happens in the alleys he felt a pulling urge to go. Chuuya let his feet move on there own walking down the alley avoiding garbage he noticed a figure in the corner of the alley. They were pressed against the wall half there skin was a pale sick ish white and they were half naked balled up there skin had wounds that looked relatively new.chuuya dropped his coffee and took his jacket off he walked to the personal slowly and put the jacket over them making the person jolt up. Chuuya and this person made eye contact chuuya's eyes slowly widen as he crouched down in front of them."akutagawa?" He questioned. Akutagawas eyes widen too"c..chuuya San..?" He questioned chuuya moved and gently whipped the blood from akutagawas forehead" what the hell did they do to you" he asked akutagawa looked away."I.. Dont w..wanna talk about it out here.." he said chuuya nodded he pulled his phone out.

"Boss I'm gonna be late or I might not come today I don't know yet"
"I'll explain later"
"Alright be safe"

Chuuya placed his phone in his pocket and stood up reaching his hand to akutagawa."come on" chuuya said akutagawa stared at him before reaching up and grabbing his hand standing slowly. Akutagawas was very skinny but was taller the chuuya so his coat was big but wasn't long.

"Don't worry akutagawa I've got you" chuuya said

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