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Atsushi was walking down the street Karl placed on his head when a familiar sweet scent filled his nose. Karl perked up to he squeaked and began to look around. Atsushi glanced across the street into the park and spotted ranpo. "There he is" atsushi said and began to cross the street upon approaching ranpo he noticed that ranpo was bent down talking to someone who looked to be crying. "Ranpo?" Atsushi said ranpo turned around and looked up at Karl."see poe I told you he was safe" ranpo said poe looked up his eyes widen and he scurried to his feet and grabbed Karl hugging him."oh my goodness Karl you can't scare me like that and what happens to your paw" poe said Karl's squeaked and claimed onto Poe's shoulder."I found him injured but he incested on being outside instead of resting so I guess he knew you were looking for him. "Ah..uh...thank you very much" poe said and bowed slightly. "Atsushi are you going somewhere?" Ranpo asked atsushi glanced at him." Yeah I have alittle of unfishable business" atsushi said "killing the last of the mafia here?" Ranpo asked atsushis eyes widen and he got defensive."calm down I'm not gonna stop you or say anything to the athorites that's to much work" ranpo said waving his hand around poe looked at atsushi."I...I heard that..y.. your chuuya's sans son he told me tones of stories about you.." poe said atsushi froze."like... what?" Atsushi asked."h..he said that you were very persistent and that you were amazingly talented in drawing" poe said atsushi changed from his defensive stance."really..?" Atsushi asked poe nodded."THERE HE HIS" a mafia member screamed they opened fire People began to scream. "FUCK" atsushi yelled he transformed into his tiger protecting poe and ranpo he grabbed both of them putting them on his back and taking off. Pow held on for dear life as ranpo found the ride to be fun. Atsushi hoped onto a building shaking the two off he gave them a "stay here" glance before jumping down and killing the mafia members poe and ranpo watched."h..he does fight like chuuya San" poe said ranpo hummed in agreement." I don't think it's a good idea to take him to Yokohama with us..." Ranpo said."why's that my dear" poe asked tilting his head."I...I don't know...I..." Ranpo began he had a stunned look on his face. Poe quickly pulled ranpo into a hug."don't over think it my dear" poe said ranpo took a deep breath."are you two done?" Atsushi asked licking the blood off his hand."yep all don't" ranpo said cheerfully hopping onto his feet."good, can we go somewhere to get something to drink I'm dehydrated" atsushi said."only if u give us a ride on your back" ranpo said atsushi stared at ranpo while poe shook his head no anxiously Karl shaking his head too.

(ps.they did indeed ride on atsushis back)
Akutagawa woke up to yelling and cussing he sat up and yawned rubbing his eyes. He glanced at his phone the time reading 2:00pm." That's the latest I've ever slept" he mumbled he then got up and stretched dragging his self into the main hall to see what was happening.
"Osamu I told you not to fucking sneak into my house what if someone followed you, your putting akutagawa in danger " chuuya said holding dazai by the collar." Oh please akutagawa isn't all that Important" dazai said in return pulling away from chuuya."he is very important to ME" chuuya said dazai glared at chuuya" more important then me?" He asked chuuya stared at him"yes actually he is very important more than you." Chuuya said dazai glanced into the hall giving akutagawa a death glare akutagawas heart dropped as he stepped back in fear."I..I..I'm...I'm sorry...I... I'll leave..." Akutagawa stuttered. Chuuya slapped dazai."fuck off he's not leaving and you won't hurt him" chuuya said. "N..no it's okay...I..I can g.. go" akutagawa said going to the door and slipping his shoes on."akutagawa no it's fine" chuuya said but akutagawa shook his head and left without another word."oh my fucking god" chuuya said fustrated." WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" Chuuya yelled grabbing dazai again. "Why is he more important than me? W..why was atsushi more important then me WHY CANT I BE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE!" dazai yelled in return he put his hand over chuuya's his eyes watered." Your jealous..." Chuuya muttered."listen osamu atsushi is my kid even if it was for a few years I still love him as if he was mines biologically and akutagawa he's important to me because...I couldn't save him..he suffered again and again Infront of me but I didn't save him." Chuuya explained dazai shook his head" that...no you should only care about me I saved you not them" dazai said chuuya sighed."osamu you did save me and I want to save others your still important to me " chuuya reassured but dazai wasn't listening."NO SAVE ME AND ME ALONE" dazai said Chuuya pushed dazai to the floor dazai sat up on his knees confused tears slowly streaming down his face."c..chuuya..?" Dazai muttered."shut up" chuuya said dazai cried harder the sudden mood change from chuuya throwing him off.chuuya took a few deep breaths he walked Infront of dazai and hugged him. Dazais face in his stomach he felt his shirt begin to soak up dazais tears." You see how me pushing you away made things worse...that's how akutagawa feels..that's probably how atsushi feels I know for a fact that's how I feel, you can't help but cry and cry hard because your confused and scared nothing makes sense when your scared." Chuuya said he ran his fingers threw dazais hair. Dazai gripping on chuuya's shirt tighter."I know mori taught you so many fucked up things he did horrible things to you I'm sorry I didn't come into your life sooner and I'm sorry for leaving but I'm here now and I'm not leaving,just like I told akutagawa I won't let you hurt yourself". Chuuya said dazai just hugged him trembling slightly. Chuuya stayed quiet for a moment before pulling away from dazai and crouching to be at eye level."mori has told you to never express your feelings they make you weak but your feelings make u so much better rather it's fear,hated, or even love" chuuya said dazai sniffled "a..and I love you" dazai said chuuya gave a soft smile "I know you do"

Uhhh okay so ik how I said akutagawa asks how he normally does I kinda changed that/ also I feel like this chapter could have been longer but I wanted to end it off on a bit if soukoku angst/fluff since I haven't touched on how dazai and chuuya actually are with eachother yet I hope u enjoyed this chapter also the chapters spell out a sentence hears the spelling for it so far

I loved yo-

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