Chapter 7- Written by A

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" if I'm getting this straight, you've been living here for a month now and noticed this strange man going in and out of this shack here and yet you told NO ONE?!" Godzilla questioned, his voice rising in volume with the last two words. Both Rodan and Taron cringed at the sound. Recovering, the massive prehistoric reptile glared at the King of the Monsters and muttered, "Oh por el amor de dios. I'm sorry my King but do you want me to go waltzing right into that big ol' meeting cave of yours and blurt out something like this?"

"Uh, yeah. You're supposed to do that."

"News flash my King, everyone hates me."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Yours my King, it is yours."

"How is this MY FAULT?!"

"You turned everyone against me, made them see me as the traitor you see."

"That was your own doing you little piece of-"

"Excuse my King, guys. Um... can you try not to bring so much attention towards us? We have an audience," Taron interrupted the argument quietly. The two males glanced down to see her pointing over at the shack. There, three humans were on patrol when they had stopped and watched the Titans. Attempting to act normal, the large animals smiled and waved at the patrol. Luckily for them, it didn't look like the humans sensed anything suspicious and one of them actually waved back.

Sighing heavily, Godzilla turned towards Rodan and Taron as he grumbled, "Alright, here's the plan. We go in, find Ghidorah and kill him where he stands. Or is it they?" The overgrown lizard asked himself that last part. Taron also looked like she was pondering over the answer to that question. Rodan, however, was thinking of something else as he piped up, "Why not let him live?" This earned him a pair of looks, one of genuine worry and one of untold anger and rage. His golden eyes blazing, Godzilla snarled, "I'm sorry, you want Ghidorah to LIVE?!"

"Did it sound like I stuttered my King?"

"There is absolutely no way that alien is ever going to live to see the light of another day! I will not tolerate it!"

"What if he is in a bad condition and can't fight?"

"We still kill him!"

"Then we would be the villains of this story for killing a harmless victim."

"No, he is still the villain and you are still the traitor."

"My King, maybe he has a point," Taron quickly intervened after seeing the look of hurt on Rodan's face after Godzilla called him a traitor... again. She hated seeing people get into these hated arguments to the point where it eventually went too far and someone's feelings were wounded. And, of the arguments she had witnessed over the centuries, it was usually Godzilla who did the insulting. Seeing that she had the King's attention, the bird of prey went on, "It's not right to kill someone when they are incapable of defending themselves. Maybe instead-"

"Okay, here's my plan," Rodan interrupted suddenly, airborne as he gazed down at Godzilla and Taron, "I'll go in and save Ghidorah's pathetic little butt while the two of you sit out here on your bums, deal? Excellente. Glad we're on speaking terms." With that, he dive bombed towards the little shack with outstretched talons.

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