Chapter 84- Written by K

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Harp was rather annoyed by her current situation regarding Taron. She had no idea where the firebird was let alone if she was safe. How was she supposed to know that she, too, wasn't captured by Alan.

Whatever the case was, it kept Harp awake and unable to fall back asleep, too worried about her friend. That's when she felt the let wing of Ghidorah tighten around her body and pull her flush against the golden hydra's side.

Harp hadn't meant to wake them. She glanced over to see that Ichi was looking at her, while the other two were asleep. She laid her head back down on the stone floor, maintaining eye contact with Ichi.

"What's wrong?" He asked, quietly as to not awaken his brothers.

"I'm just worried about Taron, is all," Harp muttered. She explained how Mothra had contacted her, wondering where the titan was. "She hasn't even answered me," Harp stated.

Sensing his mate's distress, Ichi licked her forehead and continued to groom her until Harp's weary eyes closed and sleep overtook her.

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