28. Vacation

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Setting: nyc, married, working

Vogue always keeps Kurt busy so now that fashion week is over he decided to surprise his husband. Blaine only teaches one class on Friday and non on Monday so Kurt wants to take him on a little vacation.

They hardly had any time for themselves in the last few weeks and the older man decided that they both need a little time off. He planned everything. Plane tickets, taking days off, hotel.

He waits for his husband to come home on Thursday after work and tells him to pack. Summer clothes, beach clothes. But no matter how many times Blaine asks where they're going Kurt doesn't give him any answers.

They pack their stuff the very same evening before going to bed.

Kurt picks up Blaine from work, their stuff already in the back of the car. "Still not telling me where we're going?" Blaine asks after greeting his husband with a kiss. "Nope" the other man answers and opens the door for Blaine to get into the car.

The closer they get to the airport the bigger Blaines eyes get. He told Blaine how to pack but he didn't told him that they are flying somewhere.

Blaine only sees where they are going when they stand at the terminal. "We're flying to Mexico?!" Blaine asks "Have you lost your mind?". "I didn't. I just want to spend some time with you to relax and how better than at the beach in the sun and with your favorite mexican food" the other man answers and kisses his stunned husband.

Normally Blaine isn't really a big fan of flying but now it's acutally not that bad. Blaine is just too exited to care. It's simply like that.

As soon as they arrive at the airport in Cancun they get a cab and drive to the hotel. They don't need a car because the beach and some good restaurants are immediatly at the hotel with only 5 minutes or so walking time.

They just unpack a little and change into more suitable clothes. Beach clothes. They take a walk on the beach and eat dinner in the hotels restaurant. They have a nice evening and finally have time to get intimate again. They missed that. At home they fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow.

The other days are pretty similar. Eating at the hotels restaurant or somewhere outside, going for a walk, mostly at the beach, sun bathing and swimming, lots of time for themself. Their little bubble of intimacy. Not caring about anything just for the weekend.

Both men are sad when they have to pack again to go back but Blaine has classes again and after one more day Kurt has to get back to work again as well so they can't stay longer. But one thing is sure. They will come back. Soon. And they will stay longer. Not just for a weekend.

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