Chapter 3

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Search and Defuse

I soundly slept until I awoke to a massive amount of sounds approaching me. I was late to react because I just woke up so it took me a moment to process where they were coming from until I heard the Gate I was sleeping next to start opening which completely woke me up and I started running as fast as I could to the Cafeteria. It was the only real place I could hide effectively in.

After getting to the Cafeteria door I started breathing loudly. My breathing is also deep, if I could talk without having to steal voices my voice would most likely be deep.

After regaining my breath I opened the door to the Cafeteria which appeared to be empty now. No Pizza Box, no MTF, just me and my... oh I forgot the rifle, OH DEAR GOD I FORGOT THE RIFLE.

Okay don't panic, it's just a gun, I can steal another one from an MTF. If I'm lucky I'll just find one on the ground or on a body. I don't need a gun but it would help with escaping the facility. Wait, even if I escape, where will I go? To a different site? Nah, I'd just be recaptured instantly. Hiding in a random forest could be an option, though I'd still get recaptured, it would just be a matter of when I get recaptured so weighing my options no matter what I do I'd either be recaptured or terminated.

Staying in the facility is too dangerous because of both the MTF and the SCPs. The only reason I really got this far was because I just skipped needing clearance into entrance zone by breaking the glass and crawling through it. If I wanted to have better chances at making it through this breach I could recontain 106 manually but that would require a high-level Keycard which I probably can't get anymore. Though I guess I've really done nothing the entire breach except stay alive.

Speaking of staying alive I still need to eat and drink.

I don't want to go back into Heavy containment because of Shy Guy and the Plague Doctor. Light containment has the Statue. Larry and the MTF are just everywhere, so while no place is truly safe to be in, some places are safer than others however.

The Cafeteria isn't a bad place to wait I suppose, it is a pretty safe place. My only issue is it only has two ways to leave. If both exits are blocked then I have no choice but to surrender.

I was pulled from my thoughts when suddenly noise blared from the speakers.

"Warhead detonation in T-120 Seconds, all Personnel exit the facility and wait for evacuation."

Shit just got real. The situation really got bad enough to go for the nuclear option. I wouldn't be able to escape fast enough to escape the explosion so the only choice I have is to Ninja Defuse the nuke in the ultimate match of Search and Destroy.

I rushed out of the Cafeteria, with all the doors permanently open I ran down the halls unobstructed and rushed into Heavy Containment. I ran down the halls looking for the control room of the Omega Warhead.

"Warhead detonation in T-60 Seconds, all Personnel exit the facility and wait for evacuation."

I ran around the facility looking for the Warhead, I heard Shy Guy but I just ran past him while looking away when I rammed right into a wall which hurt and briefly disoriented me for a few seconds until I turned a corner and found an elevator with the text "Omega Alpha Warhead" placed above it. I called the elevator and I was shaking like I was in the Antarctic with no clothes, the stress was getting to me, I started having thoughts like 'what if I am too late?' 'What if I did this all for naught?'

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