Chapter 4

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Interviews & Dreams

I woke up with a bastard of a headache, and thinking about it just makes it worse. How much did they put in that little dart? They must've put so much that I still want to go back to sleep again but the hunger still remains unfortunately. I could eat just about anything right now... except for human flesh. It's technically not cannibalism anymore but there is a point to be made against eating sentient beings.

I look around to get an idea of where I am but the only notable features are only a Keycard door and an observation window to go by, which narrows it down so little I may as well be back where I started.

I stood up to look through the window but it appeared to be one-sided glass but that wasn't much of an issue since I can see sounds through walls. Though a few of them appeared to be arguing with each other about me that I listened into.

"Didn't you see 939-113 steal a rifle from an MTF?"

"I did see it captain obvious, but 939 is classified as sentient and violent. What if it stole the gun to kill more effectively?"

"If it wanted to use the gun to kill then why didn't it just kill the MTF it stole the gun from? It had the Private pinned and at its mercy but decided to spare him, there was also the incident at the Cafeteria."

"Well we just can't change the warning label to just sentient since it could just be pretending."

"If it were pretending to be non-violent then it would've killed the MTF squad when they were compacted in the elevator where aiming a gun is nearly impossible but it went with them without complaining. Its willingness to cooperate with the Foundation is something we could use."

"What if it's playing the long con? This thing is unpredictable as all anomalies are. It could drop the act at any time and go on a rampage."

"Yes, while it is true that it has unpredictable behavior logs dating back to since the day it became 939-113 show that it hasn't killed any humans or anything for that matter."

"It hasn't killed anyone yet. Yet is what I'm worried about, what if it wakes up one day and chooses violence?"

I got bored of the conversation so I decided to butt in. I breathed in deep and made a high-pitched squeal which both silenced and made the scientists jump instantly. None of them dared to speak until one of them suddenly blurted out that they forgot to feed me. They were that deep into it that they forgot to feed me. You guys had one job and you fucked it up somehow.

I walked away from the glass and basked in silence as I waited for food to arrive, I wonder what it'll be. Beef? Pork? Pizza? Stir-Fry? Maybe even Pizza Rolls or a Hot Pocket! Though that was all just wishful thinking as the airlock door opened and a D-Class entered my cell who seemed almost desensitized to anything as if he'd done this for months and had gotten used to it. I walked up to the D-Class and the thought of eating him came to mind but I flushed it out because that would just prove the idiot scientist right. I took the food from the D-Class and sat in a corner to eat it. It tasted like raw beef but it did its job and filled me up. By the time I was finished eating I was left alone in my containment cell but as I went to sleep the speaker for my room turned on.

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