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Nevermore. A school dedicated to the strange and odd. Full of the outcasts of society, rejected by those decidedly 'normal'. Many different types of beings attend there. Sirens, vampires, werewolves, gorgons and so many more. The kinds of people who can do and control things normies could only dream of, yet they still seem to hate us. Now I, on the other hand, somehow managed to be even more...different, than the others. I'm a hybrid. 2 different creatures smushed into one me. My mother is a biological manipulator. She can change anything about anything on a molecular level.

For the past few years she has been training me to do the same. Heal any disease or injury, something basic humans still can't come to appreciate. Appropriation, taking certain aspects of DNA structures in order to make anyone and anything disappear to the eye. Mimicry, copying anything and either becoming it myself, or turning something else into that object, though turning non-sentient objects into living ones is still impossible to me. Power sensing. Looking into the makeup of someone's DNA and being able to identify what they are and what they can do. And lastly, the best one of our abilities in my opinion, disintegration. Permanently deleting every part of their biological structures until it crumbles into dust. Unfortunately, my mothers passed on ability is one only accomplishable through physical touch. I must hold contact for up to 30 seconds (shorter than for my mom thanks to my father's abilities being mental compared to the physical requirements of my mother's) to make the alteration, depending on how extreme the adjustment is. So far, I'm able to make the change last up to 3 hours though my dear mother can make hers permanent. Any alteration we create, can be undone but said process takes as long as the change has held.

My father is a pathfinder. A walking and talking human tracker, if you will. He is able to locate any item via his mind. He's also taught me many things. How to find anything but people with only my mind. How to locate a person using a personal item or piece of DNA. How to tell where anything moving is going, and my personal favorite, how to change their path although I haven't quite figured out how to do that one without physical repercussions. Bloody noses, dizzy spells, and sometimes, mainly with people, passing out.

They've taught me as much as they can. So why send me off to some misfit boarding school? I don't have friends. Simple as that. Every single person I've ever tried to talk to has been disgusted with me after learning about what I can do. Even after I stopped telling them, those who already knew, had already ruined me. No matter where I went, I was rejected so I gave up. The only people I talk to now are my parents, baby sister River, and sometimes visiting relatives.

"Y/n? Are you ready?" My mother asks gently as she creaks open the door to my now barren room.

"As I'll ever be." I respond, giving her a light smile as I pull a strap of one of my bags around my shoulder. She calls in my father and together, with little Riv waddling behind, we all haul my few yet plenty bags to our large car. Due to my mom's capabilities, she's a highly renowned doctor for the creatures of the supernatural. And it pays pretty well since a lot of normie doctors refuse to assist our kind.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks, voice full of genuinity as he cradles my sleeping sister.

"Honestly? Scared...Alone." I watch as my parents' expressions drop to ones full of sadness and tinge of regret.

"We can call Principal Weems and tell her we've changed our minds? We don't want you to be miserable. We just want what's best for you." My mom says, reaching out and taking a hold of both my hands.

"And nobody knows what's best for you, better than yourself." My father adds. I guess I really got lucky in the parent department. I would hate to disappoint them by not even trying.

"No. I'll go. I'll tell you how I feel about it in a month, yeah?" My parents smile at me and nod. The drive was much too long for my likings. I'm surprised my air pods didn't die. As we approached the gates to the academy, they swung open slowly without any assistance from a living person. Soon enough our driver, Harold Jole, stopped in front of the entrance to the school and we got out.

"I'll take your bags Miss." Harry says as he too gets out and opens the trunk. Before any of us could say otherwise, he was already gone and asking for directions to the principal's office.

"I guess we should make our own way there shall we?" I ask, gesturing to where Mr. Jole has just suddenly come back from.

"Why you back now?" River asks in her still sleepy state.

"She got someone else to do it." He answers. We nod, listening to his directions before venturing off to find Ms. Weems.

"Ah. Mr. and Mrs. L/n. So loving to you two again." Ms. Weems says as we enter her large office. "That must be River." She smiles at my sister. "So you must be Y/n. I've always thought that was such a lovely name." I only give a proper thankful nod in response. She hums, seeming confused before continuing. "Your daughter seems to have an absolutely brilliant mind. We're honored to be schooling her. Shall we head to her dorm? She's been situated in Ophelia Hall."

"Absolutely." My mother and father answer before we are directed by Principal Weems. Sooner or later we arrived at a fairly basic looking door.

"Now. Usually, students have a roommate, but seeing as she was such a last minute addition, we have none available so she'll be by herself here. Though I still do recommend only decorating half the dorm. We never know when we'll need to reassign a student. There's a lovely girl named Enid right next door, she'll give you your tour and tell you everything you need to know." The tall white haired lady says before bidding her ado and leaving. I open the door to a large but very empty room with a beautiful circular window in the center and wooden flooring. River is suddenly fully awake and wiggles her way out of my dad's arms and runs into the room. Jumping and leaping and giggling.

"Oh that bed is far too small. We'll have to get someone to bring in one much bigger. Honey, do you think the navy blue canopy bed we saw the other day will suffice? Or is that one too small?" My mom asks my dad and I just laugh lightly. Though I'd never complain about a bigger bed.

"I think we could do bigger. After all, she deserves all the comfort she can get now that she'll be on her own." My dad responds, humorously frantic.

"I think what you suggested will be fine, guys." I respond, smiling widely at my parents.

"I'll call the interior decorator. She and her team can have this place in perfect condition by the time you get back from your tour. I'll make sure of it." My dad says. He can be scary when he wants to be.

"Thank you. Both of you, for making this transition so much easier." I give my parents a sad smile which they return. I give them both hugs and hand them my once again sleeping sister who passed out on the bed before we say our tear filled goodbyes and they head back to the car while my dad makes his call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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