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"Hello, my name is Matthew..." he spoke. The two of them stared at each other in shock. I was in shock too, and it wasn't because of this sudden situation. It was because they looked so much alike. It was almost scary...how could this have happened?

Did France and I equally influence them? I knew I was involved with Canadian politics, but I didn't think it would have been this much. "Wow, you look like me!" Alfred spoke.

"Yeah...we have the same face!" Matthew spoke. Alfred approached Matthew and started to move around him quickly. He looked really excited and was mesmerized by the uncanny resemblance. "Haha...I wish to be friends..."Matthew smiled. I continued to look at the two of them in shock, but something inside me arose.

My head shot to France, and although he looked happy for a moment, upon seeing my anger, he looked terrified. "Excuse us for a moment, boys; Francis and I are going to talk in private," I spoke. They both nodded at me, and I smiled at France.

I was pissed.

I grabbed him by his arm, still smiling, and he tried to pull away. "Let's have a little chat!" I cheered. I began pulling him into the nearest room, and he tried to pull away from me without making it obvious that I was upset.

I closed the door when we were in the room, shoving him to the ground. "Wait! Let me explain! I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I swear I was telling the truth! I told him about you and America, and I figured it was time they met. They are basically siblings!"

"Yeah, well, that wasn't for you to decide on your own!"

"Arthur, just listen to me..."

"Don't call me that!" I demanded.

He recoiled at my raised voice and looked as if he felt bad. I couldn't help but feel bad for yelling at him. I still cared about him no matter how much I tried, so yelling at him did not make me feel better. "I'm sorry, but maybe we can figure something out...I'm sure America doesn't know...maybe you can slowly tell him..."

"Idiot...he will find out..."I spoke, rolling my eyes. I rubbed my temples, annoyed, and began to walk closer to him. I swear, he was going to be the death of me. Why did I have to be born like this? There has to be a way for me to escape the annoyance I live with.

"Please, maybe you can try. I'm not here to do you wrong or try and take him away from you. Maybe if we got closer, I figured we could enjoy each other's company instead of being hostile."

"Closer? Be friends? Be one big happy family? If they find out that either of us has the same amount of influence, they could think that we are their full-on family...we can't just be a family, we aren't made to be that way, you know that! The title of 'brother' is superficial and doesn't mean the same thing when humans use it!" I glared. He nodded at me sadly and suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Yes, that's how we were taught it should be, but who will find out if we all were to get closer like that?"

"Why do you even want something like that? It would be false and ignorant!" I glared. He jumped at what I said and looked down at his hands. I could guess why he wanted to do it, but it made no sense. We both had agreed a long time ago that we should not be involved with each other that way...or in any way that could insinuate closeness...and most importantly...affection...

"Well, I miss you...I miss talking to you...we hardly see or talk to each other, and I miss you—Arthur..." he whispered my name. I hated how he continued to have me fall to my knees like this. "You miss me?" I asked. He nodded at me and finally looked up to meet my eyes.

He really did look older...

This was the first time in a while that we were really acknowledging each other. It was more on my part why we didn't do so. "If our people find out we have done something like this, we will be met with backlash..."

"Pfft...It isn't the first time we have gotten into some sort of mess..." he laughed. I tilted my head and smiled. "Must you always keep getting me into trouble?"

"I swear! This will be our little secret!" He laughed if we all tried to get closer and treated them more like family. More like a human family, how would that affect us? I was mostly worried about how it would affect me. All of this was sudden, and I wasn't going to ignore how he came barging at my door. It is rude, and he needs to know proper manners.

"If I tell you I'll think about it, will you leave?" I asked, laughing. He smiled at me, and I felt myself falling.

Not romantically...

I was literally falling...

I had fallen to my knees, plopping myself on the floor beside him. "I'm sorry for coming so suddenly; I just...I was eager to see you and wanted any excuse," he whispered. I laughed at his response and shook my head. "It's fine...I just wish you would have more consideration for my feelings...I'm not completely heartless..."

"Yeah, not completely," he laughed. He began to nudge me, and I felt weak. I was weak to his charm during that dreadful war, and I was weak to it when we were children all those years ago.

The simpler times...if only I could go back and enjoy our time together. I really took it for granted. I feel like the idiot in our complicated relationship.

"My, you've grown, or am I losing my mind?" He smiled. I turned to look at him and smiled. "Maybe a combination of both," I spoke. He rolled his eyes at me, and I began to hold myself close. We both looked like we were nineteen.

"I will leave you if that is really what you want. But I want you to consider what I'm saying; it would make me happy..."

"Yes, I understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure why you want to do this so badly...there is a chance that one day they will grow to resent us...and all of this bonding will be for nothing..."

"Then...they will eventually hate us, but at least for now, they will love us—with all their hearts..."

I paused at what he said and began to think. It would feel like we were human if we were to get close. As if we were a big happy family. An odd family, but a 'happy' one. How would that make me feel? Do I even want to play with that idea?

I turned my head back to him and shook my head. "I will write to you when I've made a decision...feel free to write to me, but if I do not answer you within the time we travel back to Europe, assume that the answer was no, you got that?" I asked.

"Yes! At least I'll have an answer to look forward to!"

I rolled my eyes at him and stood up, reaching my hand out for him to grab. "Ah, I know we have become distant during the past two hundred years, but I was serious when I said that I missed you. I miss you dearly...I feel you might know why, but I'll wait for your acknowledgment."

"You are stupid...you know better than to say the thing you want; you are emotional as always," I spoke. He finally took my hand, and I lifted him to his feet. "Save your words for later; I don't think I have the honor of hearing them..."

"Arthur...the honor is all mine..." he smiled. I rolled my eyes at what he said, and he smiled. Emotional! As usual!


We both began to leave the room and saw the boys laughing together, huddled up by the table. "Say, what's so funny?" I asked. The two turned to us nervously, hiding a paper behind them. "What's that?" France asked. He pointed to the paper, and little America began to turn red.

"Well...it's a picture of Mr. France! England drew it for me, so I know who to avoid!" America spoke nervously. Shit, I was nervous too. I did not want him to see the picture.

"Oh? Is that so?" France asked.

"Yes! You looked like him, so I wanted to show Matthew how funny it was!" America spoke. He held the paper up for France to see, and I could see his soul leave his body as he looked at my drawing.


It wasn't the best drawing, but I still tried.

"How splendid..." he spoke, taking the photo.

"Yes! Why do you look like him?" America asked. That was a question that sadly came faster than I thought. Everyone turned to look at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Fine! I will be honest at the very least..." I spoke, annoyed. I could tell that tonight was going to be a long night. I guess we were having guests over!

How splendid!

Terra Firma (Fruk/FACE)Where stories live. Discover now