The solar system and Universe.

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There are two main theories about the formation of the universe. These are:
Big Bang Theory- This theory suggests that the universe started as a small point. This dot was so dense it exploded. Th bang theory also suggests that no new matter is bein created But the Universe is expanding. The evidence is CMBR and Red Shift.

What is CMBR?

CMBR stands for cosmic microwave background radiation. This is the left over radiation from the big bang. The discovery of CMBR gave strong evidence of a big bang occurring.

Red Shift- This means wavelengths get longer. Redshift supports the idea that the universe is expanding. The more a galaxy shifts, the quicker it is moving.

Steady State Theory- Suggests that the universe always existed so there was no formation. Steady state also says that new matter is constantly being created And the Universe is expanding. The only evidence for this theory is Red Shift. This is why the steady state theory is not very accepted.

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