Renewable and non-renewable resources

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A renewable energy resource is one that can be reused and replaced. These are sustainable resources because they give a constant source of energy. Examples include wind power, solar energy, hydrothermal energy, geothermal energy and biomass.

Here are the advantages:

- As they are renewable no pollutants are added to the atmosphere (apart from the manufacturer of the resources)

- If you are in the right climate the resource will have a lot of energy.  E.g if you are in a sunny county solar power will work well.

The disadvantages are:

- Renewable energy sources are very expensive to build and maintenance is also hard

- They look unattractive (especially wind turbines)

-Non renewable sources are sometimes unreliable. E.g wind power can only be used if there is sufficient wind power. If there is no wind then no energy will be induced.

Biomass has an exception. It is burned to release energy. However it is still classed as renewable energy. This is because biomass is a carbon neutral resource. This means the same amount of carbon emitted is taken in.

Non-renewable energy sources are the opposite of renewable. This means it can't be reused or replaced. In other words if you use it it is gone.

The non renewable fuels contains fossil fuels and nuclear power.

The fossil fuels are:



-Natural gas

Nuclear power is Not burned but is still a non renewable energy source. Nuclear power works when radioactive material such as uranium and plutonium emit gamma rays. These create large amounts of energy.

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