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"So do y'all have shootouts where you're from?" I asked Elgin's girlfriend as we sat on the couch. At this damn party to be exact. All night I had been watching the two awaiting a greeting and here we were. The girl looked at me with a confused expression on her face but why would see he was confused it was a simple question.

"Uhh no.." She said slowly as she was trying to engage back in her conversation with her friend whom was on the other end. But I wasn't letting that happen. "Oh..you get a little hostile. It was only a question, even though you'd look to be in one." I whispered under my voice as I scouted over from the girl.

"What did you just say?" She asked. "That I love sitting on your man's face. I commented boldly as I didn't bark down no bitch. The girl turned and furrowed her eyes, her whole demeanor came off as offended but what can I say I just love getting under bitches skin.

"Oh is that right?" She asked as she sat her cup down and that's when I was really alerted, but I still had the energy flowing. "Yeah, so every time you're kissing him your taste all of my puss-

"Courtney!" I heard someone call my name snapping me directly from my sentence. I looked over to Aaliyah standing there with a big smile on her face but I could see through that smile she was pissed and an I knew exactly why. She was pissed out of spite that I was even here but why would she? She knew I was coming without when Elgin invited me.

Slowly the girl who was dressed in a nice all-black outfit with her hair in a ponytail came up to me. I eyed Aaliyah down as I noticed that their look seemed different like she was rushed but in a good way. Either way of that she looked beautiful like she always did. She definitely changed when she left me in the studio. I could just tell.

"What?" I asked Aaliyah as she was there in front of me with her arms crossed. She glared as she saw a cup in my hand. "Hey." Sole greeted aaliyah as she had her focused on me. Liyah looked from me and to her beside me. "Hello. Will you excuse me for a second and let me stake her for a good minute."

"With pleasure." A half pissed sole smiled and said not to make eye contact when giving aaliyah permission. Aaliyah grabbed my hand and dragged me by my ass arm off the couch.

"Ouch...ouch...ouch!" I whined as we went in a direction that was up the stairs of Ginuwine's place. When I tried to let go she only grabbed me again using more force when dragging me upstairs.

"Liyah what the hell is your problem!?" I asked her as I didn't know why she was being this forceful. "My problem is you being here. I told you not to come." She said after she closed the door of the room we were in. "What...Elgin said there wasn't going to be any alcohol girl you Trippin."

"He also didn't tell you he has it here they are just mixed in drinks." She made it more tone-death to me as she stood there in front of me.

"Well let me go have a glass." A smirk aligned on my face as I began to stand up but my body was pressed back down on the bed that was behind me, I didn't realize before that I was close to it until now.

"Exactly what I meant about you staying home. You can't control yourself." aaliyah said as she stood over me. A smile was still placed on my lips as I saw the position we were in. I quickly hushed my voice into a soft one as my eyes glided all down aaliyah. I found myself biting my lips giving the girl the signal that I wanted her to come closer.

"Come here," I whispered making her move forward. "What." She asked dumbfounded as to what I was doing.

I tried to reach for a kiss but she backed away, she shook her head playfully as I tried to go in for another. "Come on..." I whined again trying to lower her head even more.

But before we could kiss something in the gist caught my attention, something was in the girl's pockets. As soon as I saw her little phone buzz I reached for it before she could even try. When I got her phone I blocked her hands from taking it away from me. "Courtney...give it back stop." She said to me but I could hear the sense of worry in her voice when I heard it that automatically made me want to see who it was even more. She sounded a little terrified.

I turned to the side as a tried to get a clear view of who was this person who was calling. My eyes widened before my mouth scoffed. "Oh! Oh! Okay! Wow....so now I see why you didn't truly want me to come to this fucking party!" I said as I pushed her off me. I say in seconds as I began scrolling over her texts to static. Reading and seeing basically everything they were talking about.

Aaliyah got silent but she tried her best to fight her phone out of my hands. "Stop it! C'mon now!" She shrieked as she tried to get back but I was either turning in different directions or I was hitting back at the girl. "It's my privacy." She told me and that really ticked me off.

I began reading their messages out loud as I was suddenly feeling a little betrayed again by the flirting and again with undertones. I should have known they were still having something in the midst. But why would I be suprise, kidada told me everything, how she would see them together when she was around aaliyah and how she would notice something more but I, I chose to ignore I thought it wouldn't matter now since me and aaliyah were on good terms but it didn't seem to matter at all, not that we were sleeping together, she still had him right in her phone basically sexting him every damn day.

Aaliyah who gave it began to sit down on the bed in shame. She hid her face in her hands as she tried to ignore me taunting her with the words I was reading from her from. "I missed you so much. I missed having the time to be together again. Trips and resorts and shit just fun times." I read on his end feeling so angry.

"So it seems like you too have been having fun all the way from this point on to last year....huh? Interesting." I said as a laugh pierced my mouth.

"You can't be upset. You just can't."

"I can't be upset!?" I got louder as I took my eyes off her phone. I threw it at her in seconds making it land down straight to her leg and onto the floor. I didn't use a harsh motion but I knew I couldn't use violence to make myself feel comprehended. No, I needed something else.

"You know what fuck you...still on the same shit. I'm wasting my time." I said to her as I began to walk out the door but aaliyah ended up coming behind me and she was not letting me leave for the world. "Where are you going?" She asked as I went down Elgin's stairs.

Silence nothing in response came out of me instead I just continued walking until I was met at the last step seeing automatically static by the door with Elgin. Anger lifted in my eyes even more as I just imagine him with aaliyah, Him stealing her away from me was something I did not want to deal with and I was letting myself deal with it any longer.

"Courtney. Can we just go back into the room and talk? Please" aaliyah begged me but I still didn't comply instead I decided to be a little bitch and do something that I thought I would never do. If I had to, I had to teach someone a lesson, since aaliyah wanted to play games I was done as well. So I decided to make my way over to Elgin and static.

I could hear Aaliyah's faded voice in the background but I decided to drown it out with the music. "Hey boys." I greeted them. Elgin smiled as he was cut off in words with static. Static only looked at me and gave me a head nod but his eyes retracted to aaliyah from afar.

"Hey, liyah." He lifted up his hands towards to girl making me a glare. I didn't know for a fact what aaliyah said in response from afar to static greeting but I didn't care instead I was just eyeing Elgin who seemed confused about why I was doing it in the first place.

"You alright?"

"I'd be better if you were still mine," I whispered and for any second of a chance I gave Elgin to speak my lips were connected to his a force.

I was evil.

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