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Cersei asked to speak with me after we got back from her testing by the church. Her flowing red robs such an iconic symbol for strength and power. Her blonde curled hair swinging behind her the healthy golden glow to her skin all came at the ferocity of a lion. She was upset with me as she doesn't want my wife to come between what the two of us are to one another. The room was full of wine and ale, plenty of food and a large table sat on the center of the room.

Carefully pulling out the head of the table for her and she took a seat carefully. Cersei's top was slightly unlaced up top so that I could see straight between her pushed together breasts. My face flushed a bit as she smirked at this, she knew her power over me. I sit at the chair next to her and she snaps her fingers and a servant pours us some wine before scurrying out of the room. The guards leave as well and she gives me a smirk.

"Ever since your marriage to that haven't even looked at me." She tells me with a manipulator smile and all I could do was melt. She missed me. "Hurts a woman's feelings."

"I-I have been occupied with making the kingdom strong and not scaring off our new ally." I say as if that would make her happier to hear. She couldn't be bothered what the men around her do as long as she stays in power and is taken care of. Yet her fake softness hides a cold soul, she had little to no remorse when it came to keeping that power and getting her hands dirty.

"Stop the play acting." She states as I lift my drink and we both drink at the sametime. "Is she good in bed? Is she a whore? Does she know about us?"

I went from being excited and for once content with life and here she was making me feel like a schoolboy again. This goddess of a woman is asking me if the woman I have married is good in the bedroom. Not that it was any of her business, but why would she do such a thing? She couldn't be jealous or worried for my virtues? Was she scared that Holdbvilag would take her out first?

"Are you...jealous?" I inquired and she scoffed in surprise and I couldn't help but smile at her lack of wanting to tell me but now I know that she was indeed jealous of my wife. Her face pales and her cheeks flush, her eyes widen a bit at this. Now she's looking at me with those large brown bambi eyes of hers. The large saucers looked at me shocked but her lips parted and no words came out.

"Of someone old enough to be our if." She says her voice is not harsh but a touch soft and I smirk and make the first move in towards her. The way the top of her dress was off of her. A bit of wine on me and she looks even more gorgeous than before. "I'm not jealous...she's a child...and I'm a woman." She purrs in a seductive way. This throws me over the edge and I find my lips clashing against hers. Our lips clumsily rumbling against one another. What the fuck am I doing? I have a wife. I'm breaking my vow already. What would Holdvilag say?

My hands find the corset back of the dress. Using a single hand I untie it and pull it off of her. The fabric falling loosely between my large fingers. Finally the corset slides off of her and she unties the dress and it falls around her. A circle of vibrant crimson and gold pooling around her bare feet.

She was now in her red under robe and her hands were around my shirt.

Her hands cupping the sides of my face and holding me in place as we kiss into a drunken stupor. I could taste the wine on her lips and the smell of flowers from her hair filling my nose. My mind was foggy as she strips me naked and I grab her and pick her up tossing her on the bed, in the far corner of the room. Her room had changed since I had last been in here. Then again the last time I was in this room I had changed.

I toss her on the bed and I fall into her. Lips on one another. Lips crashing, dancing, sucking, and biting each other. Skin to skin small whimpers and sighs befall her wine stained lips. My mouth and tongue moving down her neck and chest before her lips on the side of my neck drew a small groan from me. My hands fondled her breasts.

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