Chapter 13

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[Chapter 13]

I immediately drive to Caleb's house knowing that he had followed me out of the agent house. Looking in my rear view mirror I see his car directly behind me. Speeding up I shift into gear and over take about 4 cars until I come to the round corner in which leads down Caleb's road. Swiftly I drift around the corner and reverse my car into Caleb's drive way. Only a few seconds later he pulls up next to me.

Boy my brother has skill!

I step out slamming my agent car shut, yes I may still be a little angry but who can blame me!

Caleb strides over to the door jingling his keys around his pointed finger then opening the door and stepping inside. As soon as I follow after him I run to the freezer almost tripping over in the process. I hear Caleb stifle a laugh but I shove him out the way glaring playfully and yanking the freezer door open.

My eyes roam around the messy shelves until they land on the tub of drugs I'm looking for. I hurriedly grab it and place it upon the counter top. My grin widens as I open it and see a full tub. SPOONS! My brain works quickly scrambling through the cutlery drawer. Ah ha!

I jab the spoon into my delicious cookie dough ice cream and moan in delight as I place it in my mouth. My body instantly relaxes from its tense posture as my taste buds tingle in appreciation.

Yes, ice cream is my drug. Well it's anybody's drug. For a break-up, to waking up in the morning to meet the wonderful hangover caused by the horrendous amount of tequila shots you took the night before.

I open my eyes and glance at Caleb who has also grabbed a spoon and started eating my ice cream. I know he brought it but bitch if you see me eating it then you move yo filthy hands off of my food!

I go to pull the tub away but he only raises takes more before shoving it in him mouth. He's gonna get a-

"BRAIN FREEZE, AHH SHIT OLIVIA WHY THE HELL DID YOU LET ME TAKE SO MUCH!" I burst into laughter with my hands holding my stomach.

"Ha! Serves your right! Told you nobody messes with my ice cream!" I smirk in evilness. Caleb pouts and then sits down sighing holding his head in his hands.

"Oh don't worry, next time I won't be going near your food." I do a little happy dance in my head, food is every girls dream...I think.

"Okay, all jokes to side now. What are we going to do about the mission?" I look at him dropping my spoon into the sink and putting the ice cream back into the freezer. Turing around I sit down on the comfy kitchen stools and put my elbows on the marble surface with my chin resting on my hand.

"Well the other day Cindy called Charlie, Charlie. As in she didn't say 'Tyler' the name he is supposed to go by, but his real name. Secondly we need to search all book shops in this area and look for Ray Donald. If he gave drugs to Jayden then he must know something." Caleb nods along with me whilst mapping out our plan. A white piece of A4 paper is placed on the counter top and he his using a black felt pen to make a plan of the things we need to do. This is usually how agents in the SIO work.

"I suggest we first look into Cindy. God she's a slut and keeps trying to hook up with me. I mean I know I'm irresistible but she's like a bee and I'm the honey. I mean of course I'm honey, I'm sweet and if ya want things can get sticky." He rambles on. I didn't comprehend the last bit until a few seconds later. OH MY GOD!

"What the hell Caleb! You're fucking gross!" I screech slapping him upside the head.

"Hey the ladies loveeeee me." He 'smoothly' replies gesturing to his body. I roll my eyes and point to the sheet motioning for us to carry on.

"Any way so tomorrow in school we need to find Cindy and bring her to the agent house. There we will question her and see what she knows." I agree nodding along to his plan.

"Ok, I really don't want to face the guys." I grumble putting my head in my hands.

"You'll see them in school tomorrow but I have a locking room in the basement. We can bring her back here and question her." I look up and smile gratefully at him.

"Hey Caleb did Albert give you this house for your mission?" I ask curiously my gaze wondering up. He could well have possibly been here all this time I never saw him around the SIO building so surely he stayed here.

"Nope. I've lived here for a while now. He offered to let me stay at SIO but I declined and brought this little house. That's why I was assigned this mission. I'm close to the area and I have been going to the high school for quite some time now. I do however visit the SIO. But the base in California is much easier for me to go to." He explains. I take in the information, he was here the whole time and I never knew? I can't believe Mr Albert didn't tell me about Caleb.

I sigh not wanting to think about it right now.

"Thanks Caleb for everything. We have a lot to do tomorrow. Get some sleep spaggatie." I hug him then skip of to bed in the guest room. I change and wash my face before slipping into the comfortable covers and letting sleep takeover me.




1. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

2. How will Charlie and Jordans act in school towards Olivia and Caleb?

3. Why didn't Mr Albert tell Olivia about Caleb?

Thank you for reading guys ;D lOVE YOU!

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