y/n x yumi - plato's closet

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You pull up to a store, called Plato's Closet. Apparently, it's a popular thrift shop, but you only see two cars (which you can only guess are the employees). One white, and one black. You couldn't make out the manufacturer, and you also didn't really care because you just wanted to shop. 

As you grab your bag, you turn off your car with a press of a button. Living in the future is great, you say to yourself as you slam your door shut. You quickly put on your sunglasses, as the Austin Texas sun beats on your skin. You start sweating, even though you've been outside for a couple of seconds.

You rush to the inside of the store, and a gust of AC hits your face. The sweat almost disappears as soon as you step in. You wave hi to the employee standing behind the counter, as you take off your sunglasses. You prepare yourself for a shopping spree. 

You walk to the back of the store and notice a tall man standing there. He has brown hair, almost covering his eyes. You could tell he needed a haircut, badly, but the long hair suited him. He's wearing a plain white shirt and black sweatpants which were branded with Adidas on the side of them. God, his posture is horrible, probably sits down for a job. He's looking at jackets, until he notices you standing behind him, "Oh sorry, did you wanna look here?" You shook yourself back to reality after practically scanning this man up and down MULTIPLE times, "Um, no, I'm alright..." You get slowly quieter after staring into his dark brown eyes.

He nods and goes back to looking, "Wait- actually..!" His head snaps back toward you, "..I would like to look. I've been needing a jacket for the winter." He steps to the side and lets you search next to him. "There's nothing here." He says and looks at you, waiting for a response. "I mean yeah, but I wouldn't say it out loud." He chuckles and goes back to searching, "Yeah, maybe that was a little rude..."

"I'm Blake, by the way." 

"Well, hello Blake."

He glances toward you, "Are you going to say your name?" You look at him and say, "I like being mysterious." 

"Okay then... Your name is now mysterious." Blake jokes, "What? No, that sucks. At least be creative about it!" You shouted and instantly covered your mouth, realizing how loud you were. Blake laughs at you, "Dude, you're crazy." 

"And you're not? Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" You snapped back. Blake spoke, "Jesus! So violent." 

"Oh, I'll show you violent." You smirk at him, "Try me, mystery." He insisted.

"Be quiet, Buh-lake." You pull out a dark red flannel and put it in front of Blake, "I think that'll look good on you." Blake takes it and poses in many different ways, most being goofy, but others being sort of serious. You couldn't tell with this guy, everything seemed to be a joke to him. "Ooo~!" You say, with an idea forming, "Fashion show." 

The man looks at you like you have 5 heads, "What are you even talking about?"

"You heard what I said, go and try it on." You smile.

"Dude, cmon on. There is no way you're being serious." 

"Oh but I am, go ahead!" You push him to the 'changing rooms' they have, which was really just two stalls with curtains as doors.

"Quit it! I'll try it on." He opens the curtains and walks in, shutting the curtain behind him. You stand and wait for him to come out. "Is it too small? I can try to find another size." You say concerned, "No... it's alright." Blake steps out and does a slow 360 for you, letting you get a good look at the outfit you have created. "I am..."

"Crazy?" Blake stated. 

"No! An artist."

You both take a second of silence but start cackling to fill the dead sound. The employee behind the counter gives you both a dirty look and goes back to scrolling through their phone. You could care less, this is the most fun you've had in a while, and you need it. You both calm down and you spoke, "I'm Y/N." Blake looks at you, "Well, hello Y/N." He says, clearly mocking you from early, but in a teasing way.

After a few moments of quiet, you said, "Are you buying it?"

"I mean, I don't look that bad..." He paused, "I think I will, actually." Blake looked at you, waiting for your snarky or sarcastic outfit.

"You look good, Blake." A soft smile formed on his face. "Are you going to buy anything?" He questioned you. "Eh- probably not. If that's the only good thing here, then I won't have any luck." Blake took off the flannel and put it back on the hanger. You both slowly walk to the register, still trying to enjoy the little time you have next to each other. 

After checking out, you both walk outside. "I just realized, I never got your number."

You look at him, "You want my number?" You chuckle, not believing him.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun today. Maybe we could hang out another time, or something like that..." He looks away, nervous about your response. "I can give you my number." Blake looks back at you and quickly hands his phone to you, somehow already unlocked and ready for your number to be put in it. 

A quick type-up later, he walks you to your car. "It was really nice meeting you Y/N."

"And it was nice meeting you too, Blake. I better see a photo of you in that flannel."

"Rodger that, lieutenant Y/N!" He fake salutes, and you both laugh.

"Bye, Blake."

"Bye, mysterious."



You check your phone.


here's your stupid flannel picture, y/n.

here's your stupid flannel picture, y/n

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*lemme know who i should do next <3*

- apollo

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