y/n x tanner - the gym

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"Here is my home away from home," Tanner said to you as he shows you around the gym. It's not like you've never been to a gym, but just not this one. Tanner LOVES begging you to come with him to the gym, and most of the time you do say no, but just this once you give in and travel with him.

"You really like the gym, huh?" Tanner nods his head 'yes' and smiles. He looks like a child in a candy store. You couldn't even tell why... I mean, it was just a place where you lift weights. Nothing could really be all that interesting. Unless it's looking at your best friend working out for an hour or two. You see people, who are a lot more fit than you are. Which makes you slightly insecure, but then you remember you're not wasting your time just sweating for fun, and that makes you feel better.

"Come over here." He grabs your arm before you can wander off to god knows where. Let me tell you, a 5'10 strong, almost 200 hundred pound, half-muscle, absolute MONSTER dragging you around is not the best thing in the world. His grip tightens and you feel your hand losing circulation as it gets colder. "Tanner-" 

"LOOK!" He cuts you off, and lets go of your hand. You feel the blood slowly come back to your hand as you rub it. Then, he shows you a... bench? "You lay down on this, and do bench presses," Tanner says, excitingly, and acts out the bench press movement. You look at him, extremely confused. He stops and drops his hands to his side.

"Y/N, you're not serious, right?" His head moves forward, with a concerned face, like you said something out of the ordinary. When in reality, he shouldn't be all that surprised that you have no clue what he's talking about. He knows you're not into CrossFit or athletes as a whole. He had to convince you to do Schlatts 'Youtubers versus Streamers' dodgeball tournament. "Yes, Tanner. I am being serious. What the hell is a bench press?"

He rolls his eyes and drops his stuff like a child being punished for doing something bad. As if he didn't enjoy working out, or doing bench presses. He grabs a 10-pound bar and two 25-pound weights, you know he could do better than that. He stopped doing lightweights a while ago, what is he doing? He used something called a barbell collar, which goes on last to secure the weights into place. He, pretty easily, put the bar on the weight bench. (*Idk how else to explain it, but look up a weight bench and it'll make sense :P*)

"What are you doing, T?" He looks at you and smiles, the look in his eyes, and oh you know what he's thinking. "Tanner, no! I came here to support you, not to work out." He keeps on looking at you and smiles. You place your stuff next to Tanners and lay down with the bar above your chest.

"This is 60 pounds, lightweight, should be really easy, emphasis on should." He mumbles that last part. You couldn't make out what he said. "Now, grab the bar..." You place your hand on the bar, and Tanner adjusts them. He walks over to in between your legs and moves them to the right position. (*WINK WINK but not really WINK WINK*) Tanner walks back over to you and stands right behind you, "I am your spotter, if you need my help, I will be here to do exactly that." His voice sounds a lot more soothing than it usually does, definitely not like when your streaming with him or recording a video. 

"Now, pick up the bar, and keep it above your chest." You do what he says, "Good job, now slowly, bring it down to your chest and let the bar just lightly tap your chest." As you do this, his hands stay right below the bar, "Fantastic, Y/N. Bring it right back up and place it back to its original position." You finish your first, and only rep. You catch yourself staring into this man's eyes a little longer than you normally do. Something about them is a bit different than when you first walked into the gym today. Maybe he's just more awake, you think to yourself as you sit up and then stand up.

Tanner walks up to you and cups your cheek, you knew where this was going, and wanted it to happen, but also didn't at the same time. What would everyone else think? Nick would be supportive, Yumi would laugh at you guys, and maybe Isaac would laugh too. Larry? He seems to be close to Tanner, he wouldn't mind. Before you know it, you guys are already locking lips. The whole world seems to go silent. The clanging of weights being lifted, the soft but distinct music playing. Was it pop or was it heavy metal? 

Tanner pulls away and looks into your eyes, quickly realizing what he had done. Did he not want this? You sure as hell wanted this, and wanted it for a while. "Look- I'm sorry-" Before he could even finish his sentence, you kissed him again, getting him to shut up. 

You didn't want his excuses, you just wanted him. 

After what felt like a good minute of kissing, you pulled away. "I've liked you for as long as I can remember." Tanner looks at you and a smile forms on his face. You could tell the weight of the world fell off his shoulders. "I can't with you," Tanner says, teasingly. 

"What did I do?!" You say, 'shocked'.

"Come on, let's go home Y/N."

You grab your stuff and he grabs his stuff, "Do you think you can train me, at home maybe?" You wink at him.

"YES!" You laugh as he grabs you. You both scramble out of the gym and get into your car...

*this one was a tiny bit more interesting than the yumi one. if you guys like this, lemme know! love ya <3*


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