y/n x isaac - home alone

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"No parties," Nick and Larry say at the same time. "Daddd..!" Isaac whines as I walk up behind him. Seeing the trio leave was a major relief. "Come on!" Isaac throws a fake tantrum, "No!" Larry snaps back at Isaac.

I see the camera go down, so I know the bit is over. "Okay, but seriously," Nick's smile fades away, "Don't burn down the house, keep it somewhat presentable. Y/N will be here to watch you, see you soon dude." Your jaw drops, and the dudes say goodbye to each other. "Do I look like a babysitter?" You ask Nick.

"I mean- yeah." Tanner butts into the conversation. "I wasn't asking the peanut gallery!" Your head snaps to Tanner. You're clearly upset, but also didn't mind the day or so alone with Isaac.

"Damnn! Sorry." They wave their final goodbye and Isaac shuts the door. "All alone," Isaac says out loud. "Hello?! I'm right here." Isaac looks at you, "Oh yeah sorry..." You roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen. Isaac follows you like a lost puppy, "What are we going to do?" He asks you.

"I don't know, you figure it out." You say as you put some of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. "We could... Nah. Or-? No." Isaac thinks out loud, you look at him. "You have the inside of your brain for a reason." He looks at you, extremely confused. "oh my god... Stop talking!" You go back to the dishes but instantly feel guilty, "Isaac, I'm-"

"EUREKA!" He holds his hand up with the pointer finger, well, pointing up. Isaac practically screams this phrase then runs to the TV and turns it on. Your eyes follow the man, and you are completely puzzled. If you could have any superpower right now, it'd be mind-reading. Isaac fumbles with the remote and moves himself to show you what his amazing idea was.

Home Alone?

"C'mon, that's so corny." You look at him, and his excitement goes away. 

"Do you have any other ideas? It's also almost the holidays. We order food, watch a movie, bundle up under the coversss..." He drags out the word 'covers' as if we'd do anything under the covers anyways. "Fine, but if you order food. I'm not doing the dishes." Isaac nods his head, even though you know you're going to end up doing the dishes anyways. You turn off the lights and close the blinds, so the only thing keeping the room from not being pretty much pitch black is the TV and the small amount of sunlight peeking through the windows. 

Isaac grabs a blanket and a Pochita plush as he waits for you to lie down on the couch. You lay down and Isaac covers you in the blanket. He flops down next to you and starts the movie. Isaac does the cringey 'yawn' thing, which you know is a joke but he continues to wrap his arm around you. This was nice, and content. Overall, you couldn't really complain about a single thing. 

Your head falls onto Isaac's shoulder, and his head falls on yours...

You wake up, realizing you both fell asleep. The movie was already finished, so you guess it was a 2 to 3 hour nap. Not bad for being sleep deprived, you could of slept for 10 hours, if you really wanted to. You carefully adjust Isaac, so he could still sleep. You check the time on your phone, 18:37 (6:37 pm). So, about 3 hours, just like you guessed. You open the blinds and look outside to see the sunsetting, it was beautiful. The orange and pink filled the sky, it looked like something out of a movie. You quietly rush over to Isaac and shake him to try and wake him. "Isaac," You softly spoke, "Isaac, wake up. You have to see this." 

His eyes, slowly but surely, opened. "Hmm?" He groaned. "Come look outside." You grab his arm and try to pull him up, but to no avail. "Give me a second..." His voice was low, it almost seemed to cut right through you. He never came out of his room unless he was fully awake, so this was a first for you. Isaac stood up with you. You rush to the door and open it for him, while he took his sweet ol' time. "We don't have all day, slow poke." You joke.

He finally steps outside, "What are we looking at?" 

"The sky, idiot." You point up to the sky, and you both look up at the same time. You got a better view than the first time you saw. "Wow, that's so cool, Y/N. Now, let's go back inside..." You blocked Isaacs way, "No sir! You need a tan." You drag him out to the end of the driveway and sit down. "What are you doing?" Isaac questioned you.

"Enjoying the great outdoors. The weather is perfect." You weren't even close to lying, because of the setting sun, it wasn't hot but it was still warm. The breeze shook the trees to create the perfect background noise. Isaac sat down slowly, this man was like a walking sloth when he woke up. You leaned your head on him and he wrapped his arm around you, but didn't make it some big joke. 

At the same time, you looked at each other. A smile forms on both of your faces as you get closer to each other. Your lips finally touch his, and you enjoy this moment as long as you can. He pulls away and keeps on smiling, it's contagious.

After starring into each others eyes for a good 5 minutes, something is finally said, 

"You're amazing, Y/N."

"And you are too, Isaac."

You both kiss again, but this time you don't let him stop. 

*mf simping over a faceless man. also im doing nick angst for the next one*

- apollo <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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