Chapter 3: Destructive Beauty

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|| Craig P.O.V ||

{His Outfit In Extrernal Link}

After school that day,I hurried to my bedroom to find an outfit. I just picked something mellow I mean it's a movie date. Just hope I don't dress too much under. After I got dressed, I helped my little brother with his homework &&' waited for my mom to get home so I could leave out.

(CM= Craig Mom)

CM: *closes door behind her* Craig! I'm home! *walks into kitchen where they are*

Craig: Hey Ma *gets up from kitchen table and kisses him mom's cheek* I'm going out tonight....if that's alright.

CM: Thats fine sweetie, just be back by atleast 9. You going on a date.?

Craig: *nods then puts on USC hat* Bye lil' man; Bye ma!


I got in my 2012 Grey Volkswagen Passat SE TDI &&' looked at the address she wrote down and gave to me at lunch. She lived close to the school so I went the way I go to school. I punched in the address in my navigation system and was on my way to my to her house.


|| Storm P.O.V ||

I've been living with my auntie Carol &&' uncle Steven because my mom is practically a street wh*re and my dad is in jail for robbery. My mom only comes around on my birthday, Christmas, and Thanksgiving. She says she's sorry and even though I've forgave her I don't want her in my life, she's lost her chance. As far as my dad goes, I visit him every now and then in jail, he's always happy to see me. But anyways, I got changed for my date with Craig I hope I didn't scare him off with my hood-rat self. I act like my mom alot of the times because I was with my mom all the time before she changed on me. I curled my hair and put on my makeup. I got all the girls numbers from lunch. They were soo sweet and funny. My mini makeup session was inturupted with a small knock on my door. I looked and saw my aunt smiling.

Carol: A guy is downstairs for you Stacey, you better hurry because your uncle is asking him a lot of questions.

Storm: Haha! Alright thanks Auntie Carol!

Carol: *smiles* Your welcome sweetie. *opens door out so she can come downstairs*

I got up from my makeup vanity and walked downstairs and outside to see my uncle grilling the hell outta Craig! I felt soo bad.

Craig: *lookes at me and smiles* Hey. ~leaning up against his car talking to Steven~

Storm: Hi *walks down steps of porch* You look nice.

Steven: Thanks Stace! *smiles*

Storm: Not you! *laughs*

Craig:*laughs some* Its iight I'll let him take my compliment! You Ready to go.?

I nodded then he opened the passengers side door for me.I smiled and I inhaled the smell of his car. Some sexy cologne that I didn't know the name of, it smelled soo good.

Steven: Nice to meet you young man!

Craig: You too sir! *walks on driver's side of car*

Steven: Have her home by 8:30

Craig: iight! *gets inside of car and starts driving*


Storm: I see you like my uncle.

Craig: He's hilarious even though he was grillin' me I didn't mind.

That made my smile. Looks like he passed the first test.

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