Chapter 9: Unexpected Arrival Pt.1

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This chappie is all Ray &&' Aaliyah so Enjoy-

xo~ Nicole ❤


Aaliyah P.O.V

My Dad was still pretty upset about what happened a few days ago but my mom said shes gonna talk to him about it. I was relaxing, out in the backuard. My Dad was at a convention so it was just me and my mom. I was reading a magazine and heard the door to the house open, I looked up and saw Ray. I looked again and it was just a bush....weird.


Ray P.O.V

{ Picture in External Link}

Its Saturday and I really wanted to see Aaliyah. I was really feelin' her too. She was starting to patch a space in my heart. But I wanted to surprise so I didn't text or call her.

Renee: Ray where you goin'?

Ray: Somewhere your not *grabs car keys*

Renee: Thats not fair! You never take me with you.

Ray: Fine. I'm going to Aaliyah's house would you like to come?

Renee: Yeah! *smiles*

Our mom had to work today so I had to watch her, might as weel taker instead of having the neighbors watch her. This could be iight then Aaliyah could meet 1 out of 2 of my main family members. Hopefully they get along. I turned around and Renee was ready to go. I smiled as we left our apartment building. I turned around and Renee was ready to go. I smiled as we left our apartment building. When we got down the stairs, I saw this guy Damion who was a big fat a**hole! I hated him and he obviously hated me but he always picked on me.

Damion: Hey Rayon. *smiles*

Ray: What do you want Damion?

Damion: Nothin' I haven't really seen you on the streets lately. Where you been homie?

Ray: Look I been gettin' my life straight iight. Its none of yo bussiness no way.

Renee: Ray cmooon *starts pulling his arm*

Damion: Aww thats yo sister *goes down to her level*

Ray: *puts Renee a little bit behind him*

Damion: I'm not gonna hurt her damn n*gga. Whats your name sweetheart?

Renee: Renee *smiles shyly*

Damion: Hey, I'm Damion but is Ray your sister?

Ray: Ayee I AINT NO GIRL! Look Renee go to the car I'll be there in a minute.

Renee: Kay. Bye Mr.Damion *skips away to car*

Damion: *laughs some* Shes cute

Ray: Look don't mess with my sister you got me?

Damion: *puts hands up in surrender type position*

Ray: -.- *walls to car ; drives off*


When I got to Aaliyah's house, Renee was the first to get out. Someone was eager. I was too but a little nervous too. I walked upto the door and rang the doorbell. This fine a** girl answered the door who looked similar to Aaliyah.

Ray: Hi uhmm is Aaliyah home?

Mrs.Henderson: Oh she sure is.. *lets them in* are you a friend of yours?

Ray: Yes m'am we go to the same school. Oh I'm Rayon and this is my little sister,Renee.

Mrs. Henderson: Well nice to meet both *smiles* Well Aaliyah's out in the backyard, through those double doors. Let me know if you need anything.

Renee: :D *gets down and pats furry doggie* Can I play with your dog?

Mrs. Henderson: *smiles* sure, his names Louis.

Ray: Haha alright Renee you have fun.

I opened one of the double doors slowly and I saw Aaliyah dancing to something that was playing on the radio. Damn! I smiled to myself. Even though she wasn't really moving with the music she wasn't too bad.

Ray: *clears throat*

Aaliyah: *turns around* RAY! *smiles*


What do you guys think of Damion.?

Renee is too cute.

Aaliyah was surprised.

What do you think she'll say?

That was sweet of Ray to surprise Aaliyah

What do you think Aaliyah's Dad will say when he finds out about Ray &&' Aaliyah's Relationship?



BTW-Happy Easter Wattpad Familia

~Nicole ❤💋🌺

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