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Our game continued and Isagi kept shots from getting to Niko. A small smirk lingered on her face, Isagi has an extremely useful skill; if he could build up his physical feats, he could be a top player.

He's got an ego. It allows him to not be stupid, most of the time, and actually get a goal whether it's him or not. He's just the right kind of person Ego would look for.


There was something missing. 

Everyone races forward. Thinking it was finally time for an attack. Leaving Inko and someone who's not in the right headspace. Chigiri must figure out what's going on, or they could lose the game.

Then, it's Lock Off.

This is a weak defence. No matter how good she was.

As she raced beside Number 9, there's an empty feeling. Like she was fighting a battle that wasn't her to begin with. Oh dear, now she felt some weight on her shoulders. If they lose this match, it's game over for everyone. As stupid as she thought they were, she couldn't do that to a teammate.

'Isagi, you bastard. Get over here.'

Inko quickly scooped the ball up from nine as she noticed Isagi's presnse behind her. She quickly passed to him and closed her eyes contently. From there it made it's way around the field before getting into the goal.

'I've got my eye on you, Isagi. You may actually become something.'

As everyone is celabrating, Inko stands away while sipping water. She watched as Isagi stood over Niko. The poor 15 year old was bawling his eyes out and so were the others. It almost looked pathetic.

Don't worry, this is only the beginning. Victory is a sweet taste, only better when someone's dreams are crushed.

Or their bones...

A huge smirk spreads across her face and a small chuckle spills out.

Inko truly was her brother's sister.

His egotistical eyes, the aura peeling off his skin, a wide unseen grin just watching their tears, a sound like bones being crushed as you look into their mind knowing their dreams have been crushed.

It's a feeling not even money can buy. Because if you have too much money then it's not about the money anymore, it's about power.

The power you have over them.

That's who Inko Ego was.

An egoist, and a powerist.


Once they get back, we all sit around while eating steak to celebrate our victory. And also with her idea, using everyone's dishes so anyone could get a variety. And everyone starts talking about Isagi.

But that wasn't Inko's concern.

A grumpy redhead is.

Inko stands up with a plate and walks over to the pouty boy. She doesn't even utter a word, just sits there. The pair sits in silence for a long time. Nearly the whole team is gone, when she finally speaks,

"Eating food helps take the mind off things, sometimes. Chigiri, keeping quiet won't help you. Bottling up thoughts or feelings isn't going to help your performance."

He doesn't even look at her.

"There's a reason why you're here. You ARE a good player."

Inko stands up and sighs.

"I wouldn't be friends with a loser. So don't force yourself to be something you're not" She nearly cuts out her own tongue at the words that seem to spill out of her mouth. That honestly terrified her. Why are these digusting words pilling from her mouth without her control?

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now