Breaking Down

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It had been a week since Chigiri confronted her. She was still conflicted on how to feel about the whole situation. Ever since then, her and the other Team Z members hadn't been on speaking terms. They were even reluctant to show up for practices.

Inko was angry with herself and with them.

So she was spending the whole week trying to distract herself. It honestly felt a little weird to work out in complete silence. Without a Bachira to come running in and annoy the shit out of her. Or Isagi running behind him to stop him from doing something stupid.

Inko wiped her forehead while trying to ignore the empty feeling in her stomach. She reached for her water bottle only to realize she hadn't brought it with her.

Normally....Chigiri would tease her about forgetting it then hit her in the head before giving it to herm But now, she would have to go without it. It didn't matter, she didn't need some stupid brat bothering her.

It was another hour later and Inko was starting to feel sore. She winced as she continued to bench press. Her hands dug into her skin as she finally stopped.

Ater taking a bunch of long deep breaths, Inko jumped as a water was held out to her.

"It's unhealthy to workout without drinking water. No matter how angry you are," Yukimiya smiled down at her. She resultantly the water bottle but didn't have the energy in her to drink it.

"I'm guessing that argument was pretty bad."

Inko closed her eyes, her heart still pounding inside her chest. "No they're just being petty. It's stupid, I haven't done anything wrong."

"They're quite upset. Especially, Bachira. I don't think I've seen him so quite, it's really concerning. But I'm trying to say is, they feel that you used them. That their friendship was completely one sided. Not that I'm picking side or anything, just trying explain their thoughts."

Inko looked away, "It's not like that. I- just- I don't know anything about having friends."

"Did you say that to them? Maybe they'll understand."

"Trying to get them to understand something it like fitting a triangle into a square while. It's impossible." Inko said glancing downwards, "I don't know how to express my emotions well. How am I supposed to tell them that? All this is so stupid."

"Maybe you should talk to them. Bottling everything up is unhealthy, for everyone, and maybe sitting down and just explain that that they meant something to you."

Inko wiped her forehead, "What do they mean to me?"

"They're your friends, aren't they?"

Inko stared forward, unsure of anything at this point. "I don't know. I'm unsure of everything at this point."

Inko stood up, swaying a little as she did so and walked away. Yukimiya frowned at his failed attempt to mend everything between them. If anything, it looked like he made everything worse.


It was five more days until the U-20 match. Inko was cracking down on everyone and everything. It seemed like everyone was getting more stress as the clock kept running down.

But for Inko, she honestly couldn't even remember what day it is. For the past couple of days, she was starting to feel ill but it wasn't enough for her to take the time off.

Inko sighed while holding a hand to head. Another wave of nausea, this totally sucked. It would be  completely humiliating to leave during the middle of practice. She observed as Yukimiya and Bachira were practicing together.

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