Warning Signs

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Please don't read if you are easily triggered or are in a bad mental state.


"Someone get Anri! She's lost consciousness!"

Yukimiya could hear the words replaying in his ears. At the time everyone had been in their rooms when the heard Inko yelling at Kunigami. The next minute, he stepped out to see what was happening and saw her.

Inko had been shaking and holding her arms while her breathing was very shaky. When he tried to touch her, she panicked. It felt horrifying to see the look in her eyes, it was one of true fear and showed who she truly was.

Kurona came running back with Anri by his side.

Yukimiya felt paralyzed as they walked away. What happened to her and in order to have the look in her eyes?


"Ego-san. It's Inko." Anri said solemnly, starring at the ground "She lost consciousness again."

"Hm. Again?" Jin replied hardly looking up from his screens

Anri watched how unaffected he seemed. The first time, he seemed slightly panicked then relieved. But now he had no emotions.

"Give her some space and try not to mind if she acts out of character." Jin said once more

"Why?" Anri said curiously

Jin looked up at her, "This isn't uncommon, Anri-chan. My guess it's a trauma response. Inko has always struggled with dealing with her emotions and my guess is, when she feels too much at once, her body shuts down. Although, this hasn't happened for a long time."

"Oh...well when she wakes up, I'll talk to her when she's awake."


Inko felt so pathetic, so scared, and so vulnerable. Her body was shaking like a leaf as she nails dug into her skin. When would this torture end?

When would this finally be over?

"I asked you a damn question!" The voice yelled at her. It belonged to the person who haunted her the most, Takeo.  "Answer me, damn it!"

"I didn't know! I swear I didn't know!" Inko's voice was shaking as she covered her head.

She felt his eyes scanning her body before a wad of spit landed on the ground beside her. She looked up to see a look of disgust and hatred.

"Get up. You look pathetic." Takeo's voice sent a chill down her spine. Suddenly, he walked out and slammed the door behind him. Inko flinched at the loud sound and grimaced as she tried to move. But the glass around her dug into her skin and the bruises on her skin burned.

When had it started?

When did his soft eyes transform with anger and his gentle hands turned it fists of rage?

Fists that often found themselves on her or holding a bottle.

Where did everything go wrong?

Inko felt her heart beating inside her chest as she sat up. She quickly realized she was in her room and sighed as she grabbed a stuffed animal. She squeezed it tightly and took deep breaths to calm herself.

What the hell happened? Had she passed out? Who was the person that talked to her?

Inko jumped as she heard a knock at her door. She mumbled a quick 'come in' and Anri stepped in. She smiled while setting down a plate of food.

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