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Kageyama had waken up for school that day, early in the morning for volleyball practice.

He grabbed all of his stuff, walking out the door to met the cold air nipping at his skin. Even though it was technically spring, it wouldn't start getting warmer until a few weeks maybe even a month. Thankfully, he was too bothered by it since his mind focused on volleyball more than the weather.

Today, he had decided to take bit of an alternate route to enjoy the scenery a bit more. Sure he's live in Miyagi his entire life, but everyday it was stuck in a routine. Now, he was in highschool so it might have been time to change that in order to change himself as a whole.

His reputation was marked with his 'King' title and he wanted to change that; he didn't want that same feeling of having no one there to spike his set.

He took a deep breath and exhaled, seeing his breath form like smoke in front of him. Yeah, this was a bad idea it was too damn cold. At least the view looked nice.

The setter was passing by a lake which had frozen over during the winter. Honestly he's surprised that it's still solid this time of year. Though, his view focuses on something moving on the ice. Were they dancing? He felt his feet quicken to carry him over to look at the mysterious figure on the ice, his breath hitching at the sight.

The (H/C) girl was effortlessly gliding over the ice, letting the gentle sounds of the music guide her. Kageyama was mesmerized by her movement, never taking his eyes off of her figure. Every single part of himself halted just to keep watching this girl ice skate.

The world disappeared around him as he got immersed in the music and the mysterious girl. It was as if the wind was following her movements to perfectly to guide her into the next step. Her hair complimented her movements, framing her face as she simply glided without any fancy steps. Her (E/C) eyes were focused and filled with passion for what she loved to do. God, everything about her was just...


His finger twitched, bringing him back into reality. He quickly blinked, looking down as his watch before rushing towards the school, 'I'm going to be late for morning practice!' he shouted in his head, sprinting towards the school.

Meanwhile, the elusive girl on the ice stopped her gliding to watch the boy run away, her eyes narrowing, 'Why was he watching me?' she thought before brushing it off to continue skating.

Maybe she'll have to talk to him some other time.

Ice Queen | t.kageyama x readerWhere stories live. Discover now