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Unless it was for ice skating, there wasn't a reason for (Y/N) to wake up early. Well, now there was a new reason.

Kageyama Tobio.

After he asked her to watch him everyday, she brought it upon herself to wake up early to meet him in the gym in the morning to watch as he played volleyball. It was always silent whenever they were together. She would usually just silently observed him and he enjoyed her presence. Well, until today.

"Can you toss me a ball?" Kageyama suddenly asked, "I want to set it."

The girl got up from her spot, walking over to the bin full of volleyballs. She grabbed one, surprised to feel how stiff they were. Honestly she thought it would be a bit more.. softer? Volleyball players forearms must hurt.

She tossed the ball up, noticing how Kageyama's eyes never let his eyes loose track of it. He got ready it set, but suddenly paused and moved away from the ball, "You didn't do it right." he bluntly told her, grabbing the stray ball. He walked up next to her handing her the ball and held her hands as she held the ball, "You throw it straight up in a large arc. If you be gentle it should almost float." he told her, moving her hands to show the motion as he was explaining.

Taking a step back, he got back into position, nodding at the girl to give her the toss. She followed his instructions perfectly, allowing her to watch again as Kageyama set the ball perfectly over the net. Kageyama clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Again." he ordered, his eyes trained on the ball.

(Y/N) noticed the water bottle standing up behind him, realizing that must be his goal. Grabbing a new ball, she tossed it up in the air the way he taught her and watched as the ball went astray.


She repeated her actions, watching as the ball narrowly missed the bottle. Kageyama's frustration grew.


The two went at it for a while, the gym littered with stray volleyballs. The ice skater checked the time, seeing as school was going to start soon. Well, soon including the time it would take them to clean up the gym. Kageyama opened his mouth as the ball fell next to the bottle, getting ready to repeat 'again' but was interrupted as (Y/N) walked up to him with the ball and placed it in his hands. She then placed her hands over his causing a blush to rise to his face, "Wh-" he stuttered out.

"When I get stressed I hold my skates close to me and relax." she told him, taking a deep breath, "I think of how much it means to me. The hardships it took to get where I am. Think of what got you here, Kageyama Tobio-kun"

Kageyama was silent, too embarrassed to say anything. But through shear force and determination he closed his eyes to think of volleyball. Well, he would but all he was thinking about was how soft (Y/N)'s hands were. They were cold, but they were soft. If he remembered correctly, he saw her use a cute sanrio hand cream when she was watching from the bench. Oh, they probably smell nice too-

"Okay. Let's continue." her voice snapped him out of his thoughts and then they were suddenly back in their positions from before.

The ball gets tossed up, causing his eyes to narrow on it as it floated perfectly towards his hands.... waiting..

'Now!' the two thought simultaneously. He set the ball, seeing it go behind him as planned. It almost seemed to fall in slow motion as the two waited in anticipation.


The ball hit the bottle perfectly causing a warm accomplished feeling to fill Kageyama. He turned out to (Y/N) who's eyes were widened in surprise. Not knowing what came over them, they both ran up to each other in excitement and hugged, "I did it!" he shouted, swinging her around in a circle.

"You did!" (Y/N)'s eyes were still widened, but relaxed more as she held onto Kageyama's jacket tightly. In her mind, she would never forget the passionate look in Kageyama's eyes. The eyes he held for volleyball. She admired his passion towards the sport, knowing that she felt the same way towards ice skating.

Kageyama stopped spinning her, taking a second to process what he did. He looks into her eyes, noticing that the usual stoic look was gone and that there was an amused glint to them. His blush returned as he kept looking at her, becoming enamored with her eyes. His heart beat quickened as he noticed every eyelash, every pore on her face... oh my god was that a beauty mark-

"W-we have to clean up." he suddenly brought up, taking his train of thought away from her. His head darted around the gym noticing the mess they made. Then he remembered, that she was still holding onto him. He felt her shaking, scared he may have offended her or something on that caliber.

"pfftt.. Hahahaha!" her shaking became small giggles before exploding into a gleeful laughter. Kageyama felt his heart in his throat and his breath halted at the sound. His entire body was stiff as she placed her head against his chest, too weak to properly withstand her laughter, "Your- ahaha... you're a funny person, Kageyama Tobio-kun!" she told him between her fits of laughter.

Detaching herself from him, her laughter began to halt as her normal stoic demeanor began arising again. However, a ghost of her carefree laughing was still present as a ghost of a smile was apparent on her face. As she cleaned up, Kageyama was stiff in the original position as before. All that was on his mind was (Y/N)'s, the ice queen's, cute laugh.

That was the day he realized he was in love.

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