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Sooooooo. Hi :)

This isn't a story per se, so if you're looking for a plot. A beginning. A middle. An end. I encourage you to look elsewhere lol. This is more of a space for me to brain dump. Poems, thoughts, struggles, internal and external. The writing style here is... inconsistent. It is literally pen to paper. Thought to keyboard. minimal to no edits. Please know the way I write this is entirely different than how my other stories are written. I AM NEURODIVERGENT and constantly stressed so my thoughts rapidly change and there's like 100 tangents that connect back to 1 point so if you cannot handle that type of neurotic writing, I 100% respect that but don't comment on it cus it literally will not change but I can refer you to some phenomenal writers who have an immaculate writing style. My train of thought has no tracks and I am trying to more often let it literally just run free, SO THAT I CAN WRITE THOSE OTHER BOOKS WITHOUT OTHER THOUGHT INTERFERENCE. But if you choose to read this brain dump, welcome :) I am an extremely private person, but I am working on that, and I think the only way I'm able to bring myself to do this is 1) I have a very good friend whispering horrible ideas in my ear (like to write and post and share) at times when I am most impressionable (the middle of the night). You'll learn me in a far more intimate way if you choose to read further. more intimate than most know me. But what else is life if not to be know in the most intimate ways, from the most intimate parts of our hearts.

 There are mature themes....cus I'm grown as fuck lmao. Young at heart like many other writers here, but absolutely grown, and still growing. And on a long journey to healing. And part of that, is speaking up. Or in my case, writing. Because writing is how I use my voice. Anywho, all are welcome, we can chat in the comments. Feel free to be vulnerable too. This is a safe space.

Love y'all,


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