Chapter 27

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Christmas break was almost over and surprisingly Luke was happy to be going back to school. Obviously he didn't want to learn, but being stuck in a house with his boyfriend that he is currently is pissed at isn't exactly fun either. Parts of Luke wanted to go and hug him, but other parts knew that what Michael did was wrong. And Luke wanted nothing more than an apology. And maybe a good fuck.

Just kidding Liz raised him better than that.

Luke was lying in Calum's bed writing a new song-like he normally does on a Sunday night-when suddenly something hit the window. Thinking it was just a tree branch or maybe even a bird, Luke ignored it and continued writing. When something continued to hit against the window he finally got up to see what it was.

Luke walked over to the window and opened it only to be hit in the face with a sock.

"What the fu-" he got hit with another.

He stuck his head out the window to see who the idiot who was throwing socks at him was. He looked down and his eyes instantly met the green eyes that he has grown so attached to.

"What the hëll Michael? It's almost twelve thirty and we live in the same house. What are you even doing throwing bunched up socks at me?" He really wasn't in the mood for Michaels shït.

Michael really thought that this was cute and maybe Luke would forgive him. He really doesn't understand why Luke is mad at him, he didn't kiss Isaac, Isaac kissed him.

"I wanted it to be cliché like our first date was but i didn't want to risk breaking the window so I stole your socks to throw." Michael sheepishly told the tall boy above him.

Luke sighed. He didn't get Michael sometimes.

"What do you want then?" It wasn't meant to be rude but Luke was tiered and he wasn't in the mood to listen to Michael.

"I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?"

"At twelve in the morning? Why should I go on a date with you? I'm trying to be mad." Luke pouted.

"Please baby? I wanna talk to you." He begged. Literally. Michael got down on his knees and started begging Luke.

"Why can't we talk here?" Luke was being stubborn just for the fun of it. He really did just want to go outside and kiss his black haired boyfriend but Luke wanted to see how hard Michael is going to try to get him to go on this date.

Michael sighed knowing that Luke was purposely being stubborn.

"Luke please? I can see the smile that you're trying to hide. I know that you want to come down."

"Fine." Luke mumbled defeated.

Luke closed the bedroom window and put clothes on, seeing that he only had sweat pants on. He found a clean pair of skinny jeans and one of Michaels sweaters that are so big that they could both fit in it.

After running down the stairs and putting a pair of converse on, Luke met with Michael outside.

"So where are we going on this 'date'?"

"Somewhere over the rainbow!" Michael began to sing.

"Way up high?"Luke asked, joining in.

"You know it babe." Michael replied as he led Luke to a part of the town that he had surprisingly never been to.

They walked for what seemed like hours, Luke constantly asking 'are we there yet?' like a child would on a long car ride. Of course Michael would reply with, 'no, now shut up.' They finally got to where Michael was leading them for their date, a lake.

"You seriously dragged me out of the house at twelve thirty in the morning to go to a lake for a date?" Luke asked. He had to admit, it was beautiful. The trees and water were lit up by the full moon and it all looked peaceful.

"I really just wanted to talk and maybe even swim?" It came out more like a question than he meant for it to.

God what have I turned into? Michael thought. Before he met Luke he wouldn't have cared if someone was mad at him, he wouldn't have cared if they even like him. But with Luke it was different. He didn't even know what he did wrong yet he still finds the need to apologize.

"I'm not to sure about the swimming but I think that the talking is a good idea." Like told him.

The two boys sat down on the grass by the lake, Michael leaned his head on Luke's chest.

"I'm sorry," the tattooed boy whispered. "I'm not really sure what you are mad at me about, I didn't kiss him he kissed me. I'm sorry anyways." Michael slightly cringed when he realized that that might not have been the right thing to say. Luke moved away from his boyfriend so he was no longer touching him. Even though it was dark, Michael could still see the angry expression on Luke's face-the same expression he has seen to many times.

"I'm not mad because you kissed him, because I know you didn't. I'm mad you didn't push him away as soon as his lips touched yours! I pushed him away not you!" Luke was not happy that it was probably already one in the morning because there's no way that Michael would be able to see the tears that we're starting to roll down his cheeks.


"You enjoyed it didn't you Michael? You enjoyed the feeling of his lips on yours, his hands in your hair even if it was only for a few seconds!" When Michael didn't stop him or protest Luke continued.

"Who was he? Hm?"

"My, my ex." Michael replied so low that Luke almost didn't hear him... But he did.

"Your ex? Like the one who you said wouldn't even look at you by the time you moved here?"

"Ya." Mike sighed. "That's him. I'm sorry for not pushing him away it's just I was confused and in shock and maybe I did enjoy it a little to much but I definitely didn't like it as much as I like your kisses. Your kisses are the best and I missed them so much this week along with your voice and your cuddles and feel free to stop me any time-" Michael rambled on before Luke pressed his lips to his, but only for a brief moment.

"Shut up you idiot. Do you know how hard it is to stay mad at a face like that?" Luke asked as he stood up and wiped the dirt off the bottom of his pants.

"Where are you going?"

"To bed. To can come if you want." The tall blond chuckled.

The two boys walked back in silence, Michaels arm wrapped around Luke's and Luke resting his head on his boyfriends shoulder.


Sorry this took so long to write!

Let's just pretend that Michael is as tall as Luke okay? Okay.

So I got and fahlo and you guys should ask me questions and follow me

Ask is katiekinz12 so the same as on here

And my fahlo is katiekinz

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