We're Coming for You

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Reread if you've read this before; the entire story is being revised and edited. Enjoy.

We're Coming for You

The next morning, I sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast by myself. Mom had gone into town for some early morning shopping while Dad appeared to be missing, yet again. The sugarcoated cornflakes crunched in my mouth noisily, filling the empty, silent kitchen with chewing sounds while I stared at nothing in particular. My mind revolved around the crumpled card in my left pocket, the words written on it branded annoyingly in my brain.

Happy 18th birthday. Be prepared. We're coming for you.

I stopped eating and pushed my bowl of cornflakes away. For some reason it got to me, irked me, and at the same time I felt slightly apprehensive. Who on God's green Earth was coming for me? Had Mom arranged for someone to come pick me up for something she forgot to mention? Was it a birthday surprise of some sort? But what a strange –spooky, really- way to let me know that I should be getting ready, and it was early –a day early to be exact since I got it yesterday. Which brought me back to the starting point: Who was coming for me and where were we going? 

The loud ringing of the clock hanging on the kitchen's wall when it ticked seven startled me out of my reverie. It was time for school.


I parked my car in the school's parking lot, finding a lucky spot near the east entrance, the one nearest to my locker. I killed the engine and waited a few minutes in the car, sucking in as much warmth and heat as possible before I ventured out into the cold and snow outside. Like I predicted, the moment I stepped outside the car and its warmth, my skin was assaulted by the sting of the icy wind and the bite of the snow. My breath came out foggy, a tiny cloud of condensed water forming affront my face before it dissipated.

"My type of day." I said to myself, smiling up at the grey sky. More snow seemed on its way from the looks of it. With my backpack slung around my shoulder, I walked to the school's entrance. As I was passing by cars, a certain automobile immediately caught my attention. It was a sleek, elegant, gleaming black Lamborghini I hadn't seen before in school parked right in front of the entrance for everyone to see, and from the looks of things, I wasn't the only one who'd noticed the Lamborghini. Every person going into school or simply passing by gave it a look of wonder or two, and some actually paused to outright stare at it. I couldn't really blame them. 

Our town was so small, you could throw a rock from end to end. Fancy, expensive cars like that just weren't many in a small town like ours, so whoever owned it had to either be new or visiting. 

Once I walked into school, the car was forgotten, replaced by thoughts of everything strange that had happened in the span of the past two days. First, it was the wolf that had strangely appeared in my house's backyard and vanished, then it was my mother acting out of the norm, and add to that the strange card attached to those dead roses. I just knew  they were all ingredients to a recipe for disaster; I could feel it deep down in my bones.

When I got to my locker, I unloaded half the books in my backpack and shoved into my locker, taking my sweet time to arrange them alphabetically, a freak habit I developed when I was a kid. 

"Hey, blondie." I turned around and was greeted by a smirking, familiar, too-radiant-for-a-Tuesday face.

"Hey, Trey. Did you see the fast car parked by the entrance? A Lamborghini in Evergreen? People are going to be talking for weeks." I closed my locker and we started walking side by side down the hallway. As we passed, girls glanced his way, shooting him all sorts of coy, appreciative, flirty looks. Trey was the school heartthrob with handsome dark angel look, complete with midnight black hair and stunning purplish blue eyes.

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