Going for a Ride

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Going for a Ride

The sound of approaching footfalls had me snapping out of whatever trance or reverie I had been in. I quickly ducked under Xander's arm and stepped away from him, my back to him, preferring to put as much distance between us without exaggerating and letting him know just how affected I was by that demonstration of sentiments and his mere touch. Almost instantly, my cheek missed the warmth of his hand and my back's tingling resumed. Why had he done that? Was he trying to play me already?


Was that the first time he said my name, or the second? I couldn't remember, but it sounded nice; the way the letters rolled smoothly out of his mouth, coated in honey. I didn't answer, using the time to rein in my out-of-control emotions and clear my mind instead. I really did lose my senses around him!

"Ah, there you are!" Principle Hart rounded the corner, coming toward us with his hands behind his back formally. I panicked.

I turned around to look at Xander, nervous and afraid. He didn't look the least bit affected by what had just transpired between us, as if nothing ever had. I almost felt... hurt, but I pushed the stupid and unreasonable notion to the back of my head and focused on the current dilemma I was facing. Would he tell the principal about earlier today and how I forgot about him and have me suspended or something? When his eyes found mine, I cast him a pleading look. He looked away.

"What are you doing out here? You two should be in Art class."

Xander only nodded in agreement and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Other than that, his face gave nothing away.

I just stared back. When I realized he was expecting me to lead the way, I stammered, "Oh...uh, r-right this way." And then started heading to Art class, beyond baffled and confused.

Why hadn't Principal Hart reprimanded us for being out of class like he always did to other students?! I was even expecting the both of us to get detention or warning slips! I looked over my shoulder to see the principal standing where we had left him, watching us with a solemn face. But despite my confusion, I kept my mouth shut lest the principal change his mind, for I was grateful for his sudden kindness. Instead, I glanced at Xander from the corner of my eye who was keeping pace with me, awfully quiet which wasn't like him from what I've seen of him so far. He hadn't even attempted to discuss what had happened. Had he really played me? A part of my brain rejected the thought fervently, choosing to believe in Xander for some reason when I barely even knew him. Actually, I knew nothing of him except for his first name and that we shared Physics class. He was so mysterious and unpredictable, it drove me crazy.

When we got to the Art classroom, we didn't stay long. The bell rang ten minutes later. I didn't even bother drawing or making anything since I knew there wasn't much time left. I was far too aware of Xander's presence right next to mine. There had been about four empty seats, all located away from me, and yet Xander had chosen the one right next to me. An uneasy tension had radiated between us, almost static. I picked up my sketch book and glanced at my time table to see what my next lesson was. I had Gym after this, which was down the corridor, but I needed to take Xander to his next class first. So I asked once I was done packing, "What do you have next?"

"Gym," he said while staring out of the window at the Evergreen Forest which was directly behind the school, seeming a bit distracted –or deep in thought. I couldn't stop the surprise from showing on my face. "What a coincidence! Could that be the reason why Principal Hart assigned me as your guide? Because we share the same schedule?" I had been suspecting it for some time now.


A deep frown drew my eyebrows together as I stared at Xander, who wasn't paying me the least bit of attention. It seemed the forest outside fascinated him more than conversing with me after the 'incident' by the lockers. Ever since, Xander had stayed silent, and if I asked him something, he only answered with one-word replies. It was infuriating.

"Carly, I need to fetch something from my car outside, but I forgot the way to the entrance. Would you come with me." It was more of a demand than a request because Xander was already strolling toward the door, taking long strides. I hurried to catch up with him, objecting to it the entire way.

"You can't just walk out of school, for whatever reason!" I protested, but my complaints fell on deaf ears.

"It'll only be a minute. This way, right?" He asked, but he was already going down the corridor, not really stopping to make sure. Although I knew I'd regret this at the end, I still rushed after the guy.

"Slow down, goddammit!" We reached the entrance, and to my surprise, the doors weren't locked, because usually they were in case someone tried to escape. "That's weird." I muttered more to myself, and followed Xander out of the school building. My eyes scanned the perimeter for the school guard who patrolled around, but he was nowhere to be found. Wasn't Xander lucky or what? Xander approached the black Lamborghini that I'd seen parked this morning when entering school and then produced the car's keys out of his pocket and unlocked it with a beeping sound.

"That's your car?!" My amazement leaked to my voice, my eyes taking in the beautiful, sleek black Lamborghini once again as I trailed my fingers over the bonnet, fantasizing about owning one these one day and how wonderful it would feel to have everyone's eyes on me as I drove down the road with the top down.

Xander flashed me a grin from inside his car as he sat in the driving seat, "Yeah. Get in." He motioned with a nod of his head to the front passenger seat next to him, and I didn't even hesitate to crawl into the fast car. The fresh smell of newness greeted my nostrils. The Lamborghini looked like a spaceship from the inside, something out of this world, everything operating using touch or voice, very hi-tech.

"This is so cool," I breathed.

"You think so? Then why don't I take you for a ride?" He suggested, his voice husky. For some reason, I heard a different meaning in his question that flamed my cheeks.

I started to refuse, but the car suddenly roared to life in the parking lot and the sound of the car doors locking emitted. I quickly looked over at Xander, eyes slightly wide.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips. "Xander, w-what are you doing?" No answer. He backed his Lamborghini out of his parking spot and then sped down the school's parking lot, making me grip the leather seat for dear life. "Hey! You can't be serious!? Let me out!" It only made him drive faster and out into the road leading to the Evergreen Forest, and my grip tightened on the seat, heart racing. "Xander, please!" But Xander wasn't listening, or simply chose to ignore me.

I watched, horrified, as we got farther and farther away from the school, until trees on either side of the road appeared, blurring past us. After some time, the paved road gave way to a dirt road covered with snow. Surprisingly, the Lamborghini managed to ride over the snow without any difficulty, and so I assumed the tires on this ride were special.

"Xander, where are you taking me?" My voice cracked and tears welled in my eyes. I was very fearful now, afraid for my life, afraid of Xander and what he meant to do to me in an empty place like this. No one was around for miles. If Xander attempted anything on me, no one would be the wiser until it was too late. I tried unlocking the door from my side, but it wouldn't.

"I can't let you know yet."

"What? Why?!" I yelled.

"I told you I was coming to get you, didn't I?"

My brows furrowed and my forehead creased in confusion. He told me he was coming to get me? What the hell was he talking about? I had no memories whatsoever about such-

The note.

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