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Y/N pov:

Today is the day when Winnie, Mary and Sarah are supposed to become younger again.  In my opinion, they all looked young, but when they say so, I can't stop them.  Winnie is making a potion, Mary is helping her and so is Sarah.  They give her some things that she needs and I, I just look at them. 

After 10 minutes they finished their potion and Winnie said, "Alright, sisters, our potion is ready.  We are missing only one main thing.  Child.  Without it, we will not get younger."  Sarah and Mary came to her, and so did I.  I was completely on edge and that's when Winnie turned to Sarah, "Sister Sarah, bring us-" suddenly Winnie didn't continue the sentence and we all looked at her incomprehendingly.  She turned to me and continued, "Or we'll make it more interesting. Y/N, Sarah brought you here to help us, so you bring us the child.  And I don't care if you bring a teenager or a small child, the main thing is that they are younger than 18."  Sarah looked at me with displeasure and then at Winnie and said, "Winnie, you know very well that this is my job.  Can't you change it yet?"  Winnie turned to her and said,,You brought Y/N to help us and not stand here.  Y/N go."  I just smiled because I knew Sarah would be jealous. 

When I turned around, Sarah grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear, "Don't even dare to flirt with them just to bring us the child."  ,,We will see."  I smiled with an evil smile because Sarah had already done it many times and I finally had the opportunity to return it.  I left and went to look for the teenager.

It didn't take long and I found a 15-year-old boy walking down the street.  I fell in front of him and I ducked and he caught me.  "I-I...A-Are you okay?"  he asked me and it was obvious that he was blushing, so I stood up and said, "Of course I am. Thanks to such a handsome man."  The boy smiled and slowly approached me.  Well, he was clearly a clean type of boy who gets on with it pretty quickly.  But I had to keep going, so I smiled and also approached slowly.  We were really close and I put my hands around his neck and when he started to approach I grabbed his chest and said, "You're going soon, aren't you thinking about it? Don't you want to make it more interesting?"  The boy nodded and I giggled and went to lead him to the Sanderson house. 

By the way, the boy was really stupid, but when we were in front of the door, he asked, "Are you really living here?"  "I thought you wanted to do it where no one would hear or see us."  "And I thought you would take me inside more romantically."  "And is it necessary?"  ,,For me yes."  The boy finished and began to laugh softly.  He came to me, grabbed my waist and we went inside.  We went inside and he looked at the 3 women and said, "I thought we were going to be alone."  "You could have thought."  I pushed him and Mary caught him and started laughing. 

She tied him to a chair and the boy became afraid.  "W-What are you doing?"  the boy asked and Sarah took me close to her and asked, "You flirted with him?!"  Y/N!  What did I tell you?!"  "But hey, at least I wanted to try it for a while.  At least you know what it's like for me when you flirt with someone else."  Sarah looked at me and it suddenly dawned on her.  "Oh, Love, I'm sorry.  I did not want to hurt you."  ,,Me neither.  And is there a chance to cuddle today?"  I asked with a smile and Sarah only smiled more, put her hands on my waist and said, "We can make it more interesting if you want."  Suddenly her lips connected with mine but we were interrupted by Winifred's shout "Sarah!  It's already ready, so come here!"  Sarah smiled at her and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and followed Winnie.  They seeded the boy's youth and then Sarah spent the whole day with me.

(Hello! I apologize, but next week I'm going skiing on 9.1 until Friday. So I won't be active. If you have any ideas you'd like to add to this book, feel free to write them to me <3 OTHERWISE THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR 1.21K READS. I'M VERY HAPPY. Ok! that's all, I wish you a nice rest of the day/night <3)

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