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Day Four-

Well so anywho I actually wanted to write again today. So yesterday when we got upstairs he dropped me in the couch.

"Now what?" I said as I sat up.

"We'll at this point I usually start making out with whatever girl I convince to come up here with me" he said winking at me.

"So little Twig grew up got buff and turned into a player?"

"Hey! I take that to offense!"

"What? You take it to offense when I say you grew up and got buff? I think that's more of a compliment."

He just glared and me then relaxed down in the couch next to me. Then he put his arm around me and I moved it and set it on his lap.

"What's that about Squirt?" He actually looked confused!

"I do not want to be another one of your girls."

"Oh really?"


"Well lets make a little bet. Your choice"

"Fine. Lets have a race."

"Hmmm I think that is unfair for you. You just want some of this" he said pointing at his amazing new abs when he saw my looking he snapped his shirt back down.

"Ya a race. I win we watch a movie or something fun you win.."

"We have some fun my way" he winked than made the dorkiest kissy face ever he leaned up super close so I pushed him away.

"You have a bike I can use or what?"

"Oh ya I do! And a helmet some knee pads elbow pads" he said smirking

"Bike and helmet that's all I need you can use the pads" I said jumping from the couch which made him fall over landing his face in the couch haha loser.

Anyways we raced I won absolutely everyone was shocked and asked who i was! Little did they know I was Tyler's little sister and that I still practice on his bike every chance I get.

So i got to pick what we did so we watched a movie I let him pick just to be nice. It ended up being a Scooby Doo movie. The one I watched hundreds of times I mean I could quote this movie like a gymnast could quote stick it.

He could tell I was just as bored as he was.

"Wanna look at some books, pictures? Something?" Goodness that kid knew me good I had to smile at that

"Sure" I said still smiling

So we started looking at pictures we sat oddly close at the table, but I wasn't uncomfortable surprisingly. He slide his hand around my hips and pulled me closer to him. We now sat with our sides touching and his hand on my left hip. He moved his hand up to my waist I completely froze and started to hold my breath.

"Squirt?" I didn't answer he moved his hand and I let out a huge breath.

"Please do not touch me there."

"Why?" He looked so confused it was hilarious but I couldn't even crack a smile if I was going to seem serious.

"Because it makes me uncomfortable."

"Ok whatever" we went back to looking at pictures there were a lot of my brother. I could feel the tears building up so I buried my head in his side.

"I knew it somebody wants some of this" he said I could tell he was smiling.

"I do not" I said trying to seem fine

"Hey look Squirt I'm sorry I know this is hard for you but trust me it'll get better. I mean this is where he was headed only a block away he was here everyday. I know how you feel he was my best friend too" and that was the end of pictures we were back on the couch. I was softly crying into his shirt he was just stroking my hair. He started to hum my favorite song. I looked up at him and our eyes met for what seemed like the first time. That moment there he wasn't my brothers old friend, he didn't just see me cry, he wasn't Twig. I finally see what all those girls saw in him. And just then to ruin that moment he bent in and kissed me. It was the most amazing kiss ever it was the kind were you see fireworks and the world is just gone.

Anyways nothing exciting enough happened today to write about we just hung out at the park. He let me spend the night at his house since we still haven't been able to get ahold of my parents I wonder where they could be.


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