9 | I didn't know you before

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A few classes later, when school was about to end; Sunghoon paced around the hallways, anxiously wandering with his eyes around the area.

That was until he spotted the one he needed at the moment to make his plan come true.

He made his way to the person, trying to look cold as ever, "Excuse me?" he tapped the boy on his shoulder, making the other turn to him.

"Yes? Um, need something?" the other asked him politely.

"Well, a student you may know, Lee Heeseung, wanted me to pass on a message to you."

"Heeseungie hyung? Why?" Harua had confusion painted on his face. Even though he felt a bit excited, he doubted that Heeseung would want to tell him something totally out of the blue.

Sunghoon angered at the way the younger addressed his Heeseung, though he tried to remain calm," he wanted you to meet him at the rooftop about 10 minutes after the classes end, today, obviously."

"Noted, all right... thank you so much!" Harua smiled brightly as he bowed to Sunghoon.

The blond gave him a fake smile, walking off immediately.

'Good, now him,' Sunghoon thought before heading towards his classroom.

The last class ended, making Sunghoon stand up once the bell went off.

He observed Heeseung out of the corner of his eye, shuffling his chair loudly to catch the latter's attention.

Sunghoon quickly grabbed his bag as he went out of the classroom - being the first one to leave.

Heeseung raised his left brow, wondering what was the blond trying to do or not to do. Not wanting to lose him from his sight, the boy also left the classroom. Just before him disappearing, he saw Sunghoon going to a distant direction, most likely to the rooftop.

The way up there was quite specific. A small part of the hallway became unused ever since a class in the area had been marked as out of order due to the ventilation issues. Thus, the stretch of the corridor was needed only when someone tried to get on the roof.

Rushing back to the classroom to get his things, Heeseung decided, 'I must follow him, I'm not letting anything bypass me.'

While Sunghoon waited at the rooftop; Harua entered, looking around the place.

Sunghoon hid behind a wall, calculating when should be the perfect time to start.

"Heeseung hyung? Are you there?" The smaller half yelled, trying to find his hyung. He frowned due to hearing no response whatsoever.

Hearing footsteps, Harua turned around to see who it was, being met by a blond he had talked with earlier.

The mentioned boy came closer, towering the smaller as he bended down a little.

"Listen now, pest, don't move and look at me in the eyes, alright?" Sunghoon explained, his voice sounding threatening, startling the younger.

"O-okay..." Harua muttered, freezing from the other's piercing gaze.

Sunghoon's aura darkened, clearly scaring the other a lot.

The blond heard Harua's fastened breathing, "Good boy, now I will lightly pull you closer by your chin and you will be obedient, is it clear, hun?" his smiling sickened the younger, though he just nodded.

Sunghoon did as he stated; drawing the shivering boy's chin closer with his long fingers, causing him a little pain because of the long nails digging in his skin.

Harua squinted his eyes from the hurting sensation, "Shh, everything's fine. Now I will hold you by your waist,  I promise it's almost over."

With that, the older sneaked his empty hand around the other's waist, smiling even wider.

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