12 | Dilemma

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Heeseung, wanting to spend some time with himself alone, was listening to music while laying on the couch. His mind drifted away, put at ease.

The healing time didn't last long because of the sudden knocking on his door.

No, it couldn't be called just knocking, someone was literally banging; resulting in Heeseung having an annoyed expression on his face.

'Who's doing that? I swear I'm gonna make them pay if they break the door.' With that he went to check who was behind the irritating banging.

Heeseung opened the door with full force, "Why the fuck would you!-" he exclaimed but seeing the person right after, he stopped. "Jungwon-ah what were you thinking?!"

"Hyung, finally! I thought I'd visit you since we don't see each other often outside school..." he sent the other an apologising face.

Heeseung took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Come in."

He closed the door behind the younger, then led him to the living room.

Once Heeseung brought some snacks as well as Jungwon sat comfortably, they started talking, "So why are you here in the first place?"

Jungwon immediately tensed up, "I wanted to share something with you, would you be willing to listen? I understand if not..."

Heeseung interrupted, "Yes, it's fine, feel free to tell me anything that weighs on your mind, really," He assured the younger followed by a smile.

"Well then, I've recently hung out with Jay hyung a lot and it was all great and fun, I feel like he is the one but I'm also worried that he's not into guys," Jungwon revealed with a heavy heart.

It was quite shocking to Heeseung honestly, how would such a carefree person have any dilemmata?

"But umm, why do you make up a bad scenario without a reason? Where did this idea come from, hm?"

Jungwon looked to the side, "I mean I-I saw him talking to lots of people, especially girls. To be honest, he could be described as the ideal girl's type, you know? From the looks you can tell!"

Heeseung laughed a little, "So you're saying that based on the way he presents himself. That's against your own beliefs if I remember well, Jungwon. I thought you didn't like when people judge others based on the way they look like."

The boy in the question got embarrassed, his cheeks taking on a red hue, "I guess so... but it's different with this matter!"

"Jungwon-ah, you are overthinking it. If you really want to know the truth, just ask him or I don't know... use some trick to check it, whatever."

"Wait, this is so smart, hyung! Thank you so much," Jungwon jumped on Heeseung and hugged him tightly.

"Stop! Oh my- you're choking me!" Heeseung tried to get him off.

"Sorry," the younger apologised and bowed.

Jungwon's visit lasted a few hours more, both of them happy to finally properly talk with each other. Their meeting ended on a positive note.

Not a week after the random visit of Jungwon's, in the middle of Sunghoon's and Heeseung's hang out at the school cafeteria, the cat-like boy interrupted their conversation by coming up to the table they were sitting at.

"Hello, Heeseung hyung and... may I call you hyung too?" He said with a bow, looking at Sunghoon while asking.

Heeseung squeezed the blond's hand under the table to make him behave politely, "Y-yes, you may," Sunghoon grinned awkwardly, showing his sharp fangs.

"Understood! So hello, Sunghoon hyung," Jungwon bowed once again, wanting to show his respect for the other.

"Like I mentioned before, this is Jungwon, my friend," Heeseung said. "He's a great kid, I promise he won't be a bother," he whispered to Sunghoon.

Jungwon, not wanting to wait any longer, asked, "I was wondering if I could introduce you to the guy we talked about at your place back then... You helped be a lot with it all."

"Oh, so you didn't get cold feet! I'm proud of you, Jungwon-ah. Bring him here then," Heeseung said, encouraging the younger.

"I'll be right back!" Jungwon stood up and left go get his man.

"What guy is he talking about?" Sunghoon got curious.

"Long story short, Jungwon kind of vented to me about his worries, telling me he liked someone but wasn't sure if that someone liked men. I suppose after giving him advice he found the courage to ask the boy out or something. "

"I see, well good for him."

Jungwon came back, but this time dragging along the boy he had talked about.

Heeseung and Sunghoon immediately scanned the boy thoroughly. The boy had a well-built body, even though it was hard to see it clearly because of the uniform; a sharp jawline and seemed like a well-groomed man.

"That is my now officially boyfriend, Jay, he's two years older than me," Jungwon hugged Jay's arm, "Jay hyung, that's my dear friend, Heeseung hyung. The one next to him is Sunghoon hyung, his boyfriend and our classmate."

"Nice to meet you, Jay," the three bowed to each other, "And actually you are Sunghoon's age... I hope we can get along." Heeseung stated.

"Yes, I hope so too..." Sunghoon copied the other, his expression telling otherwise.

"I'm glad for this opportunity to meet you guys, Jungwon has been telling me so much about you, Heeseung-ssi. Good stuff only, of course," Jay spoke.

"That's very sweet of him... let's sit and talk, hm?" Heeseung suggested, the rest agreeing.

As the conversation went on, Sunghoon couldn't help but to find that Jay guy odd.

He looked at the newly introduced person as someone bothersome in the future, not one to be friends with. Sunghoon could even bare that younger boy. Still, Jay gave off that confident, stubborn vibe and the cold mannered boy wasn't having it.

Sunghoon kept glancing at the other throughout their conversation. Eventually Jay realised it, sensing the peer's feelings towards him.

"We gotta go. It was fun meeting you two," Jay stood up with Jungwon, bid his goodbye then held the younger's hand to drag him away from the spot.

"Tch," Sunghoon observed the pair leaving.

"Something's wrong?" Heeseung asked, seeing the other's disgusted face.

"I despise him already."

Heeseung then made Sunghoon at him, holding him by the chin, "Like him or not, he's Jungwon's boyfriend which means you should respect him at least. I made an effort so it's your turn now. Am I right, Hoonie?" He pecked the blond's nose and smiled with his eyes.

Sunghoon blushed, "You are," he kept examining the older's pretty face.

"Enough staring," Heeseung let go of his chin. "We should get going."

If only I had as much motivation to write those essays for English class as I have to write ffs

... :,)

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