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October 4th, 2041

A shrill sound invaded Jamie's peaceful sleep. "Rrrriiiinnnngggg, rrrriiiinnnngggg." It was the breakfast bell. He groaned, falling out of bed and onto the shiny marble floor. He got dressed groggily, not paying attention to what he was putting on. He pressed the button to open the curtains and basked in the glory of his crappy suburb. The entire town was a boring shade of brown. Crumbling stone buildings glared down at him, the rickety monorail squeaking past his building.

He stepped outside, glancing at his building. It was a bright, metallic gray that stood out amongst the ugly, run-down building that littered the streets. A sign on it read: "EzCondo, your low-cost housing solution." Jamie scoffed. This apartment cost almost all of his weekly paycheck.

The sky was its usual shade of light-brown. He walked briskly towards his desk job, dodging the sullen people navigating the street. He took a quick look at his work building. It was a black-brick building, like most of the others in Waterford. Painted on it in yellow letters were the words: "For a better world." Jamie wondered what being a secretary had to do with that.

"There you are," said Josh the doorman. "You're late again."

Jamie sighed. "Yeah, I know."

Josh gave him a disapproving expression. Jamie sat down at the drab desk outside his boss's office. He glanced at the door to his right. It read: "Mikael Connelly, New Dublin City-State Representative." He was the most powerful man in Waterford, but a nobody compared to the people in New Dublin. Jamie sighed wistfully. Oh how he dreamed of being there, the most advanced city in the world.

The phone rang, startling him out of his day-dream.

"Representative Connelly's office," he answered.

"Jamie Walters?" a deep voice on the other end asked.

"Uhhh... yeah?" Jamie said timidly.

"I have great news for you. The New Dublin Supervisors have decided to offer you a job here in New Dublin." the voice replied.

Jamie's eyes widened. He nearly fell out of his chair. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." he replied matter-of-factly.

Holy crap. Why me? Jamie thought.

"We look forward to seeing you soon!" the voice said and promptly hung up.

Jamie sat there, stunned. This was the craziest thing that had ever happened to him.

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