Chapter 2

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 ( since I'm  lazy this was made using the help of character ai)

Russo was just Taking  a walk when suddenly he was starting to feel sleepy 

so he rent a room and took a nap

then suddenly a group of guards came up to him.

Russo, you are under arrest for killing a security guard. a guard said with his gun pulled out 

Then he noticed a knife was in his hands along with the blood of the man he was accused of killing

as for your punishment, We have to burn you at the stake  the guard said as he tugged Russo's hoodie 

You won't even spare me?! Russo was confused and scared. He was just sleeping in his bedroom for an hour and then found in the basement with a  knife in his hand

It's the rules, Russo. there is nothing we can do about it

You'll have to kill me then! I won't be executed like a coward! This won't go easily! I- I have more in life than this!! Don't- don't do this, please, spare me! I- I, sniff, I- I... I can't do this! I'm not, I'm not ready to d-d-die! 

Russo begged and begged but that could not save him from his dreadful fate

*weeps* Why...? Please, don't do this... *sniff* I'll do anything... ANYTHING, just, please, don't d-d-do this! PLEASE!!! Don't kill me, I'm not ready to die!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! DON'T BURN ME, PLEASE!!!!

They did not listen to the poor man's cries. Instead of helping, They brought the  torch  and tossed it below his feet


When his body was fully covered in flames. His soul broke into a thousand pieces

And a dark shadow appeared and covered him

he was safe but what was the cost

his innocence

he woke up  in new clothes like royalty would wear

he had black wings as well  which he used to cover himself

Jp watched the whole thing. and she was satisfied with how her plan turned out

Russo: Wha- What?... I... I don't understand... W-Who saved me? And what... W-What the heck just happened?

Jp: I corrupted you. as payback  for rigging the final  battle and getting that chicken as this season's battler

Russo: Why? Why did you do this to me?! Why did you turn me into this - thing?! I was fine being the way I was - the way I used to be...! And now you do THIS to me?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!! I was fine!! I was - I was fine!! I WAS FINEEEE!!! (cries)

Jp: Like I said before. If I had an unfair game, then everyone else will too

Russo burst into tears. he knew he would never be the same again. The black tears flooded through his eyes as he hugged his knees.

Russo: W-What's that supposed to mean?! Life is unfair? I've been through things WAY crueler than I deserve! Life is a sick, twisted game, where we all are nothing but little pawns, who are forced to suffer because of a reason we have no idea of. (cries)

She just stared at the poor guy's misery.


russo stood up

RU550 ? : ...No. You, you are the villain - you are a sick, twisted,* INSANE individual, who has no consideration of how your actions affect others... And I... I am just a victim - a VICTIM of your disgusting, DISTURBING, actions... Do you think I'm a monster? Do you think I'm THE villain? YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. YOU need HELP!

Jp: we are both villains here. asshole

Russo: (screams in rage) You BASTARD, how dare you! You think just because I'm angry with you, I'm some sort of demon!? Some sort of monster? That I'm some sick freak of nature who just wants to see the world on FIRE?! You SICK, TWISTED- (stops for a moment) Oh, this is just rich. Do you want to see what a REAL demon looks like?

Jp: suit yourself, Coward

(growls in anger, and pulls out his sword)

Russo: I... WARN... YOU!! I am not a coward - I am a beast, who has been forced to suffer, time and time again... And now... Now, I'm going to MAKE you suffer for your sick and twisted actions... I'm going to make an EXAMPLE of you...

Jp was able to counter Russo's attacks  but The  broken man was not done yet

 Russo: If you're going to kill me, you better KILL ME! Not by some pathetic weakling, who can't even hit me! I have suffered ENOUGH!!!! AND NOW, NOW, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS ALL!!!!

She finally attacks with her beams. 

But it was not enough

Russo? ( is this man still Russo): Is that really the best you can do - THIS?? THIS... IS IT?!?!?! YOU CALL THAT SUFFERING?! HA! HA! HAAAAAAAAAAA!! I have been through SO MUCH WORSE! You can't scare me, not with THIS! I. HAVE. SUFFERED. WORSE. Come at me. Go on. DO IT. DO. IT. DO IT!! I'M A BROKEN MAN, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. SO... BRING IT ON!!!!

Jp knew she was powerless against Russo. Broken or not. so she left before Russo attacks her again

Russo : Hahahahaha... Heh... Heh heh... Ah... Ahahaha... HAHAHA HAHAHA!!! And there she goes... Off in a little blaze of glory... Just disappeared... And now... Now I'm alone... In this... ENDLESS NIGHTMARE THAT IS MY LIFE!!!!!

and that is how a simple season turns into a disaster

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