The outcast

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Once again lani was seen as the outcasts by other na'vi around her and with her bonding with the tulkun everyone hated made everything hard for her. Even her siblings and new friends were shocked by her ways as she no longer acted in a full navi way, she started using some of the sky people way to get stuff done and tried to show others her way hoping to start something new. If na'vi and humans can learn to live together then maybe it won't be so bad for everyone making peace.

Jake " what were you thinking young lady that stunt you had pulled could of endangered everyone life here"

Lani " father I didn't mean to I was hoping these method I had made with help those avatars, as they are like us trying to find their way here"

Neytiri " they are nothing like us foolish girl and now you might get all of us killed here"

Lani " but mom I didn't mean to bring harm I want to help if you all see and listen"

Tonowari " quite child I have welcome your family and clan here and you have brought nothing but trouble, now you are dragging my son downs to your level"

Lani " sir I didn't mean for this to happen I just want to help I think human and na'vi can live together, they are just misguided"

Ronal " no you are miss guided child my sons and your siblings have reported you been near the monster, trying to male him bond with a pod you are nothing but a demon"

Lani " everyone here is wrong about payakan he is nice and was acting out of grief for his mother"

Lani " dad ... mom"

Neytiri " you will be punished for your actions young lady"

Lani " what"

Jake " you will be exiled to inland for a mouth until then no is allowed to speak or look at you ... this will show you your actions were horrible ... maybe this will change your rebellious ways for good"

lani " you are not serious right come on dad please I was trying to help, and make you proud"

Jake " you have never made me proud and you might never make me proud now go, get you things ready because when the time comes you will be leaving ...I will make you go there" lani soon left the hut and she was ignored by everyone around here they didn't even look at her, some of them made her last days here a nightmare.

Lani " I will see you guys when I get back yes ... everything will be okay right" lani was looking at her siblings and some of the scientists but they didn't say anything to her.

Lani " I will miss you all ... we'll see you" lani had walked away her mother, siblings, and her old friends didn't even say goodbye to her they all had their backs turn to her.

???? " lani"

Lani " Tsyerio hey"

Tsyerio " I can't talk for long but here take this I made it for you a necklace, it keep you company while you are gone"

Lani " thank you"

Ao'nung " stay away from him you demon do everyone a favor and don't come back, stay away no will miss you not even your own family ... the only one who can love a freak like you is mother eywa let's hope she leave you as well" Ao'nung had pushed her to the ground lani had saw neteyam. It looked like he was going to help her but he walked away and acted like he didn't see anything. Lani soon got up and grabbed her stuff and she walked toward he father and tonowari who were waiting.

That afternoon

Jake " we are here there a small hut you can live for the month or more, you will be checked on if you cause more trouble the more you stay here"

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